05 Council

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who are the 05 Council

form what i have heard from a very old friend.

the 05 Council is a group of people who are the top of the foundation. 

they're the overseer, overwatchers and the big thirteen from what i can gather they sound somewhat powerful in a way.

part of thee administrative department, the 05 council is somewhat composed of thirteen  members of thee best and most brightest of the foundation some rumors to  be anomalous with powerful abilities, others are rumors to be average humans but for me why not both?

but also the nickname they go by are overseer council, 05 command, overwatch (overwatchers sounds better thou) the head council.

the members of the 05 council are 

05-1  \   05-2   \  05-3   \   05-4    \   05-5   \  05-6  \ 05-7  \  05-8  

 05-9  \ 05-10  \ 05-11  \   05-12  \   05-13  

also, why i said "somewhat composed'' is people in thee foundation of what my friend told me, they somewhat do and don't believe there is such a thing of a 05-13.

snice thirteen is an unlucky number but from where i come from is the best number and the brightest and my Birthday as well, so i don't believe in thee luck or unlucky and if there is a 05-13, they are the best and cool most likely pretty sure in Millon star and over along with whole foundation of course 

which the 05 council are one of the most powerful roles in the foundation like what i mention earlier, They are members of the group that lead the Foundation. They control and oversee all of its operations. O5 Council members are given a numerical destigmatization from 1 to 13. There is no limit to how many O5s can be in a certain team/designation. they can make announcements using the "announce" command and meetings using the "meeting" command. To be an O5 Council member, they need to enter the O5 room and ask, if the O5 accepts they will have to make a sacrifice of something important to them...

dang..... that's.... something....

the roles of the 05 Counil members are 

The Founder

The GardenerThe Kid/All-Seeing Eye

The Ambassador


Cowboy/The American

GreenNewbie/The Lesser

The Outsider/Ordinary

The Archivist

The Mailman

The Journalist

The Tiebreaker


The Administrator

the O5 Council Members have an O5 Keycard which can open any door. They  cancarry a Minigun with a 250 round magazine and a total of 5,000 reserve ammo with the loadout of the team they are. O5 Council personnel will have a standard radio to communicate with Foundation staff or Chaos Insurgency. O5 Council members can purchase weapons from shops near.

and for who they look i dont know for my old friend never told which is better that i suppose..


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