Chapter 2: Collision Course

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The morning sun cast long shadows across the city as AJ and Gracie began their official investigation into the chilling events of the previous night. The team was back in their headquarters, the hum of computers and the low murmur of activity filling the space as they sifted through evidence. AJ leaned over a desk, eyes fixed on the array of files and photographs spread before him.

"Alright, let's recap," AJ said, his voice steady. "We've identified the four victims as dropouts from Denver Public College. They're young, barely out of their teens, and clearly out of their depth. But there was a fifth kid involved."

Gracie, fingers flying over her keyboard, nodded without looking up. "I've got the college records here. The fifth kid—his name is Kyle Mason—wasn't with the others when they came up here, but he's listed as part of their group. I'm running a trace on his last known whereabouts."

AJ glanced at her screen, seeing snippets of information flashing by. "Any idea where Kyle might be hiding?"

"I'm getting to that," Gracie replied, a focused frown creasing her brow. "His last known activity was a string of transactions from a local motel. It looks like he's been staying there for the past couple of days. I'm cross-referencing the records now to see if he's still there."

AJ sighed, pushing away from the desk. "Let's get moving. We need to find him and figure out why he's the only one who got away."

They headed to their car, the tension between them palpable. AJ slid into the driver's seat, while Gracie took her place beside him, her laptop already open and displaying a map with the motel's location marked.

"The motel's on the outskirts of town," Gracie said as AJ started the engine. "It's a low-profile place—nothing too fancy. Given the crowd it caters to, it's a perfect hiding spot for someone on the run."

AJ navigated through the morning traffic, his mind racing with possibilities. "Kyle Mason was there the night of the murder, but somehow he managed to escape. We need to find out how he got away and why he wasn't with the others when they were killed."

Gracie looked up from her laptop, her expression serious. "If he was involved but got out before things went south, he might know more about who was behind it and why. We need to approach this carefully. He could be scared or desperate."

The drive to the motel was quiet, the only sounds the low hum of the engine and occasional beeps from Gracie's laptop as she continued her search. They reached the outskirts of town, the motel coming into view—a dingy, two-story building with peeling paint and a flickering neon sign that promised "Affordable Rates."

"Here we are," Gracie said, pointing to the motel. "Kyle's room should be on the second floor, room 208."

AJ parked the car, glancing at the motel with a wary eye. "Alright, let's be cautious. We don't know what we're walking into."

They approached the motel, the worn carpet and discolored walls adding to the sense of decay. As they made their way to the second floor, Gracie's phone buzzed with a new update. She glanced at it and sighed.

"Looks like Kyle's phone was last pinged in this area," she said. "We should be close."

They reached room 208 and AJ signaled for Gracie to stay back while he knocked on the door. There was no immediate response. He knocked again, louder this time.

"Kyle Mason!" AJ called out, his voice firm. "FBI. Open up."

Inside, they could hear shuffling and hurried footsteps. A moment later, the door creaked open, and Kyle Mason peered out, his face pale and eyes wide with fear. He was a skinny kid with disheveled hair and a nervous twitch.

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