Chapter 9: Birth of Desire

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AJ looked around his suite at The Gritti Palace with a satisfied smile. He'd always wanted to stay here, ever since he'd first visited Venice years ago. And now, here he was, sharing this five-star abode with the woman who'd captured his heart.

"So where do we start?" Gracie asked, sliding her arms around his neck as he admired the view of the Grand Canal from their balcony.

Sweeping her up in his arms, AJ swung her around, laughing when she yelped in delight.

"I thought we'd start with a romantic dinner at a little place I know near the Grand Canal."

She raised an eyebrow at him. "You mean this place isn't famous enough for you already?"

He shrugged. "Every corner of Venice is famous in its own way. Besides, being seen together at some fancy hotspot doesn't hold a candle to being alone with you, lost in this enchanting city."

Gracie's heart melted at his words.

"Then let's do it," she whispered, nuzzling her face against his chest. They kissed, the taste of oysters still lingering on their lips from their late afternoon snack they'd shared at the hotel bar. He carried her out the door and onto the narrow cobblestone streets, laughing as they wove their way through the throngs of tourists.

The restaurant they found was a charming, dimly-lit establishment adorned with intricate murals and fragrant with the aroma of freshly-baked bread and simmering tomato sauce.

Tables were draped in white linen, each set with gleaming silverware and flickering candles. A lone gondolier's song drifted in through the open window, adding to the romantic ambiance.

As they were seated, AJ couldn't help but notice the way Gracie's curves filled out the simple black dress she wore. Her dark hair cascaded down her back in loose waves, and her big green eyes sparkled with excitement. He felt a stirring in his pants as he watched her bite her lower lip, scanning the menu.

"There's a lot to choose from," she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

"What do you recommend?"

AJ leaned in, his voice low. "I've got just the thing for you." He gestured to the waiter, and in flawless Italian, ordered them the special. "Trust me, it's going to blow your mind."

Gracie raised an eyebrow, a playful smirk on her lips. "Is that so? Well, I do love a good meal."

AJ chuckled, his hand finding her thigh under the table. "Oh, this meal is going to be anything but good, Gracie.

It's going to be fucking incredible," AJ murmured, his thumb tracing circles on her inner thigh, making her squirm in her seat. She took a sip of her wine, trying to hide the blush creeping up her cheeks.

"Well, don't leave me in suspense," she replied, her voice laced with desire. "Tell me more about this... special dish."

AJ leaned back in his chair, his eyes never leaving hers. "It's a secret family recipe, passed down through generations. Slow-cooked, tender meat, bathed in a rich, velvety sauce.

The chef's secret ingredient guarantees a night you won't forget," AJ said, his voice a low rumble. Gracie felt a shiver run down her spine, his words dripping with innuendo.

The waiter arrived with their first course, a platter of cured meats and cheeses. As they ate, AJ's hand never left Gracie's thigh, his thumb brushing against the lace of her panties, driving her crazy with anticipation.

"This is delicious," Gracie moaned, savoring the salty, spicy flavors exploding in her mouth.

But she wasn't talking about the food. AJ's fingers had found their way under the lace of her panties, teasing her wet folds. She bit her lip, trying to suppress a whimper, but it was no use. AJ grinned at her, his eyes gleaming with lust.

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