Chapter Ten {Pool Party (B-Day)}

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^Happy birthday to the twins 🎉^



-Underage drinking


Third POV

It was the day of the twins birthday. A lovely day, 17 years. It was also Friday, a lucky day for them :D.
Their mom is going to spend a day with them, then leave for her job at 9 pm this time. At 10 pm the pool party is 'starting'. Of course Logan came earlier.

'Happy Birthday guys!!' -Logan

'Thank you, what did u get??' -Taylor

'Flowers for the both of you and a gift that should be opened after the party. Maybe during your party if ur very curious.' -Logan

'Thank you so much!!! I'm going to go get a few more supplies at the shop, see you again in a bit.' -Taylor

'You got it Tay!' -Logan

Taylor walked out, to walk to the shop. Logan set the items on the kitchen counter. He felt something around his waist, looking down it was Tyler's arm. Hugging him for behind.

'Happy Birthday my dear.' -Logan

'Thank you my love. Love u.' -Tyler

'Love u too.' -Logan

Logan spined around, facing Tyler. Tyler picked him up, setting him on the kitchen counter, kissing him. That turns into a make out session for a few minutes. Tyler broke the kiss, licking Logan's lips a bit. Logan opened his mouth then boom boom boom.
(Not like that for the weird people >:(. )

Tyler stopped again, licking Logan's neck and slowly sucking it.

'This is your birthday gift.' -Logan

'Can't wait for tonight.' -Tyler

'Right...don't leave that many hickeys. I still wanna go swimming.' -Logan

'How??? Still you like to cover ur scars.' -Tyler

'I will wear a shirt, then when everyone leaves and it's just the group, I will take off my shirt.' -Logan

'I have a vape if u wanna...' -Tyler

'Yeah sure.' -Logan

Logan got off the kitchen counter, following Tyler into his shared room with Taylor. Tyler walked to his shirt drawer, pulling out a vape.

'Boom.' -Tyler

'What kind is that?' -Logan

'umm.... Strawberry.' -Tyler

'Gay ass.' -Logan

'Excuse me, I'm bi. Ur gay.' -Tyler

'Shut the fuck up.' -Logan

Tyler threw the vape to Logan.

'Put it in your mouth.' -Tyler

'Your mouth has been in this.' -Logan

'I have been in your mouth so many times and stop being picky.' -Tyler

'Whatever.' -Logan


After a while Taylor came back with the stuff.

'Hey guys, come help me with the pool.' -Taylor

'Got you.' -Logan

Logan and Tyler went out to help Taylor, she bought some things for the pool.

'A flamingo??' -Logan

'Yep, flamingos are pretty.' -Taylor

'Ok. -Logan

'I'm going inside for a bit. Be right back.' -Tyler

Tyler went inside, that's where Taylor started to question him for fun.

'I'm guessing Aiden stole your candy?' -Taylor

'huh??' -Logan

'oh, Mr.Fields show us a photo of you, Tyler, and Aiden sleeping together.' -Taylor

'Oh yeah, just a bag tho.' -Logan

'When did Tyler get there?' -Taylor

'A few minutes after Aiden.' -Logan

'Send me the photos please.' -Taylor

'Of course.' -Logan

Logan knew that Taylor was on to him. But he needs to be calm about this, she can't know. She can't know about this.....

Tyler came back and kept helping. Soon it was time for the party. People came in, Logan was inside watching his sisters.

'Not jumping in the pool?' -Tyler

'I'm watching over Alice and Sofia. Plus my scars are going to show.' -Logan

'You know, Taylor put up a kiddie pool for your sister. Now go in, I will be with you.' -Tyler

'Thank you Tyler.' -Logan

'Ur welcome dear.' -Tyler

Tyler put his arms out and Sofia ran into his arms. Tyler picked her up and carried her. Logan followed back with Alice in his arms. Taylor was in the kiddie pool waiting for them.

'HEY!! GUYS!!' -Taylor

'TAY TAY!!' -Sofia

'SOFIA!!' -Taylor

Taylor grabbed Sofia and put her in the smol pool. Tyler was giving everyone the death stare. Don't do anything stupid to these kids. Logan got in with Alice, keeping his shirt now.

After a while (aka an hour) everyone left. Logan was on the couch, drinking a cup of alcohol. His sisters sleep next to him. Tyler came in and sat down next to Logan. Tyler lay down and Logan got on top, placing his sisters next to him. Tyler hugged all three of them. This was a nice birthday.

{Chapter Eleven: Halloween}

^Peace out y'all. See y'all after my break.^

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