seaflowers II

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Her dad was travelling the seas, in a very different boat from this one. He was an experiencied fisherman, meanwhile, she was in a boat ritght next to the shore, with all of the ropes preventing them to leave the pier. Their job was not to fish, but to cut and separate meat, that will later be picked up by the trucks. 

That's what the rich immortals do. They eat immortals just like them, even thought most consider sirens not worthy enough of respect. They call them fish. A delicacy served in five star restaurants. They would eat humans, half born immortals and half born sirens. That is why most humans gathered in a small coastal city, on the other side of the state. 

They never appear in the city, even thought they know that it has a high concentration of humans in there. They seemed to enjoy the fishing sirens work, and that was  the reason why they dont kill humans from this side of the city.

Mireli ran back into the down part of the ship. Severel sirens were allocated in there, most of them sleeping by the darkness of that room. The only light entering was the sunset light from the square door in the decks floor. 

She was 10 min late on the checking task. She had to check every eight hours if all the sirens were in there. Kaio was a believer of the stories about siren ralking like humans. And each of them were already bought by a rich elite immortal. They were all there, was always. Sleeping and resting. There was one that was looking at Mireli, that frooze in place.

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