Chapter One

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Boom! Boom! Boom! The loud noise rang through my ears like fireworks on the 4th of July. I looked around searching for him but realized he was shot, laying flat on his back. I reached out for him screaming his name in panic. "Go! Run baby! Don't forget about me!" He yelled as loud as he could while he bled from his mouth.

I searched the room for the nearest exit and could hear the sirens getting louder. I finally spotted a window in the back and quickly jumped. The fall wasn't that bad but I managed to twist my ankle. I didn't let that hold me back. I quickly stood to my feet and paced through an alley making a clean escape to my car.

I finally made it to the second level of the parking garage in search of the car. I quickly spotted the black Mercedes and got in. Before I started the car I changed my outfit, let my hair down, and removed my green contacts.

I pulled out of the garage and drove swiftly past the sirens and commotion, without causing any attention to myself. After a few minutes of driving in anxiety-filled silence, the tears came pouring down my face. All I could think about was him, and the possibility of him being dead. What am I going to do now? Why did we get ourselves into this mess?

I tried my best to keep from crying so my tears wouldn't blur my vision of the road. Lord knows I'm the last person that needs to be pulled over. When I reached a red light, I took the opportunity to read the piece of paper I noticed he left for me in the cup holder.


If I don't make it out of this situation, I just want you to know that I love you with all of my heart. You mean the world to me! The slightest things you do put a smile on my face. The way you put your hair up in one of those buns in the morning before breakfast. The way you kiss my forehead every night after you think I'm asleep. How you write the letter S from the bottom to the top instead of the other way around. You're crazy but I'm in love with it. I want you to be the mother of my first child and hopefully you check on that while I'm gone. You've been by my side through everything since the day you became mine, and I couldn't thank you enough for setting me straight. Go to the address on the back of this paper, you'll be safe there and there will be a set of instructions in the mailbox. Don't forget about me baby, I love you.

Your Heart.

I quickly flipped the paper over to the back and typed the address in my GPS. The location was far and I was headed for a long... long ride. I've already been driving for at least an hour now, and made a decision to break at a close by gas station.

"Hey, you look familiar. Do I know you from somewhere?" I quickly shook my head at the clerk noticing the security footage of me replaying on the TV screen right behind him. "Oh well sorry Miss." He flashed me a sincere smile and handed me my items. "It's fine."

"Suspect has green eyes with short hair, and initially arrived at the scene in an all black Escalade. The Escalade didn't have tags, and there was no trace left behind on the vehicle."
I listened to the reporter speak as I quickly left out of the station without seeming suspicious.

I'm so paranoid, I wish he was here to calm me down like he always did. Now... I don't even know if he's alive.

I cruised for hours reminiscing on everything I've been through these last few years, it's been amazing. I couldn't help but smile although tears formed in my eyes.

"Your destination is on the right." The voice announced through the speakers of the car snapping me out of thought and making me jump a little. I drove up the smooth stone pathway up to the huge house. It wasn't bigger than ours back home but it was big.

I checked the inside of the car grabbing all of my things before popping the trunk. My eyes filled with amazement looking at the sight of a trunk filled with cash. I grabbed the bags and went to receive the instructions in the mailbox by the front door.

Step 1.) Theres a key under the doormat and there's only one copy. Get the fireplace started and burn the clothes you were wearing and anything they can trace back to you.

I quickly did as instructed, opening the front door. I ran throughout the house until I found the living room where the fireplace was back against the wall under a flat screen. I wasted no time getting it set up, although it took a few minutes for the logs to start going up into bigger flames.

Instead of burning just the clothes, I burned my whole bag after making sure nothing important was left behind. I poked at the crisp bag for a while until I knew it was all just ash.

Step 2.) Theres a safe upstairs in the master bedroom, you'll find it in the bathroom under the sink. The code is our special date. I want you to put all of the money that you don't need into the safe and take out the paper I left for you in there. The paper will hold my bank accounts, codes, passwords, everything. Hang on tight to the paper, it's only for you to see.

I ran toward the home elevator, loading on the multiple heavy bags of money. I waited for the bell indicating I made it to the master bedroom hallway. I dragged the bags into the master bathroom and opened the cabinet to see a big safe. "011404" I mumbled to myself punching in the code.

After I heard the click, I tugged the handle and it swung open. I shoved the bags in after taking out 2,000 for pocket money and getting a yellow folded piece of paper from out the corner. I read over the paper and like the instructions said, it was his bank accounts and passwords.

Step 3.) There's a wallet in a brand new Gucci purse in the master bedroom closet. There's a new driver's license, birth certificate, social security number, everything you need. I hope you like the purse by the way.

Step 4.) There's a box of dye that you always get on the counter. I picked blonde since you said you wanted to try it. Well now is the time.

Step 5.) Get comfortable, you're safe. Don't be paranoid. My boy will come check on you everyday. The kitchen is filled with food. Get a roommate if you're lonely.

Step 6.) Leave everything in the past and live like you've never heard of it. Promise me. I will come back for you if I'm not dead. I love you so much, don't forget about me.

I hurriedly followed the last steps given except number 6. I thought to myself quietly. How am I going to leave everything in the past? I'm going to miss my life. I'm going to miss him so much. My family. My friends. My house. How do you just become a new person within 48 hours. What do I do now?

I flopped down on the California king sized bed, towel drying my now blonde hair and left it curly. Throughout the night I continuously read the letter he left for me and cried until I fell deeply into a slumber.

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