Obanai and been having trouble sleeping for the past week and would wake up after having nightmares about his past...
One day at a hashira meeting
Obanai was standing talking to Mitsuri while they waited for Kagaya "Iguro-san are you okay you look like you haven't slept in days" Mitsuri says "I'm fine Just didn't sleep well last night" "are you sure your okay?" Mitsuri askes "I'm sure I'm fine" "Okay if you say so" she says They continue talking until Obanai passes out from exhaustion... Sanemi catches him before he hits the ground "Kyaaa Is iguro-san okay?!" Mitsuri shouts "Ara Ara~ looks lik iguro-san hasn't been sleeping for a while" Shinobu says "Wdm he hasn't slept" Sanemi askes her "You should bring him to the butterfly mansion and I'll tell Oyakata-sama That obanai won't make it to the meeting today" She says "Okay" sanemi says he picks up obanai bridal style and obanai lays his head on Sanemi's shoulder Sanemi walks to the butterfly mansion while carrying obanai he was surprised by how light obanai was he barely weighs anything...he makes it to the butterfly mansion and Aoi leads Sanemi to a room and he lays obanai on the bed...aoi starts checking obanai for any injuries and then leaves and lets obanai rest
A few hours later obanai jolts awake and sits up in the bed...
He looks confused about why he was in the butterfly mansion and what had happened to make him end up there...He looks around the room and throws his legs over the side to stand up but as soon has he does so his legs give out on him and he falls to his knees... "Wtf why can't I stand"...he climbs back onto the bed and just sits there until there's a knock on the door "Obanai can I come in" says Sanemi from the other side of the door "Sure" he says Sanemi opens the door and closes it behind him "what do you want" obanai says to Sanemi "I just came to check on you" "ugh I'm not 5 I don't need to be checked up on" "No need to be a dick about it,Plus if you really don't want to be here just leave" "I can't" "and why's that" Sanemi replied "I can't walk" He says "Well maybe if you slept you would be able to" Sanemi says "W-What how do you know I haven't been sleeping" "Kōchō says you haven't been sleeping" Sanemi says "Ugh why does it matter it's not a big deal" "A big deal!, You couldn't killed yourself by not sleeping and that's "no big deal!?" "Ugh why do care anyway it's not any of your business" "I'm not a heartless monster of course u care that your not sleeping" "Whatever" "So are you going to tell me why your not sleeping?" "No" "why" "I don't want to"
(Context you can skip if you want: At an unspecified point in the past, the Serpent Demon encountered the Iguro Clan. The two sides struck a deal; they would feed her with their offspring in exchange for riches she would acquire from her attacks. She was even placed at the head of the clan and was worshipped like an empress. At some point Obanai was born, the clan's first male in 370 years. Because of this and his unique heterochromia, the Serpent Demon decided she would save him for later, cultivating him for years before reaching a size that satisfied her. At times, she would even visit Obanai in his cell whilst hidden, frightening him as he tried to sleep.
The Serpent Demon is killed by Shinjuro.
When Obanai reached the age of twelve, he was brought before the Serpent Demon who had his face cut across the mouth so it resembled her own, with the blood he coughed being collected and served to her. Knowing he was in danger, Obanai secretly dug a means to escape and fled from his cell. Angered that her chosen prey had escaped, the Serpent Demon killed nearly every member of the Iguro clan, apart from one cousin of Obanai, and pursued him.
She caught up to him as he ran but was killed by the timely arrival of the Flame Hashira , saving Obanai's life) LETS CONTINUE!!
"Why don't you want to" "Ugh I've been having nightmares that's all" "Nightmares?, what are they about" obanai explains his past to Sanemi "WTF WHO DOES THAT TO THERE KID!?!" "Calm down Shinazugawa" "Ugh fine...so that's why you haven't been able to sleep?" "Yeah" "Is there anything I can do to help you sleep?" Obanai shrugs "How about a massage?" "Maybe" "okay turn around" obanai turns into his stomach and Sanemi massages his back...but low a behold it doesn't work obanai sits up in bed and Sanemi says "can't Kōchō just give you sleeping pills of something" "I'm not taking pills" "what else helps you sleep" "ummm...I sleep better when someone is holding me..." "so cuddling?" "Yea" Obanai says embarrassed "then let's try" "what" "let's cuddle" sanemi says with a slight grin "o-okay" Sanemi lays in bed next to Obanai and then pulls obanai in his arms and holds him tight against his chest...Obanai slowly starts falling asleep in Sanemi's arms and they stay like that all night...
The end...
Word count 878
I'm running out of ideas💀

Saneoba Oneshots
RandomThis contains smut,Lemon,fluff,angst etc This also may contain self harm,Suicide etc if your sensitive to any of there topics click off this story