Is it my fault...? pt2

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This is kinda longer then I expected...

Backstory/recap: between these two chapters goob got comfort from all over them and he moved on pretty quickly after he talked to sprout about how he actually felt.

//The day after.

Goob decided to go out and just be with scraps and his friends the whole day he did give his little treats but he didnt even look at shrimpos door this time and shrimpo noticed it and felt good about it. He went on walks without being stopped. He felt free from that fuzzy crafts grasp. He saw goob walking and talking with glisten more for some reason he felt off but ignored it.

With goob and them.

Sprout was watching goob closely and realized a few things. Goob blushes a lot near glisten and talks with him a lot more. Sprout told cosmo about it as they walked. "Hey sweetie." "Yes?" "Have you noticed goob and glisten get along very well." "Um kinda I see them getting... do you think each other...?" "Maybe look at them!" Scraps over heard a bit. "If goob dates glisten ima cry." They both looked at scraps... "..." they both stood silent. "Anyways I got to go meet up with poppy. BYE GUYS!" "BYE SIS!" Scraps walked away. "Hey goob can I talk to you privately?" Sprout asked. "Oh yea sure." "And glisten you come here."
"Um ok?" Glisten was sitting with cosmo and sprout pulled goob to the side.

With goob and sprout

"Hey goob." "Yess?" "How do you feel towards glisten?" "I mean kinda fuzzy on the inside I really like his smile and his make up..." goob started to rant about glisten. "GOOB!" "HUH SORRY!" "Goob I think you have a crush on glisten..." "wait what? So that's what that fuzzy feeling is?" "Yes goob.."

With cosmo and glisten.

"Glisten ima be straight up with you." "Go ahead." "Do you like goob?" Glisten blushed a bit. "Me?! Ha! Hahahaha....maybe..." "Yea it's really visible." "Is it really? I just like his hugs and his fur and...oh my god I do like him..."

Sprout brought goob back to glisten and cosmo... both goob and glisten looked at each other and stood quiet. "Um ok let's go do some baking I want cupcakes.." Cosmo said. "Ok!" All of them said.

At the kitchen(IM TIRED UGHHHH)

Spout and cosmo got everything ready. "Hey glisten/goob can you get flour from the closet." Both of them said trying to set them up. "Yea sure/yea yea what ever" they both walked into the walk in closet and the door shut. It was auto lock. Goob looked over and saw the door shut. "WAIT!" Goob yelled knowing glisten was inside. "WHATS HAPPENING?!" Glisten yelled. "T-the doors locked..." "WHAT?!"

With cosmo and sprout.

"You think they'll be ok?" Cosmo asked. "Yes I put food in there don't worry..." (yes sprout been planned it cosmo and sprout bout to get freaky/j) "ok I don't want them to starve...why are we doing this again?" "Goobs never felt actually love and I we both know they like each other soooo." "Ohhhhh."

With glisten and goob

"So how was your day?" Goob said. "Goob- I MEAN GOOD!" Goob chuckled a bit making glisten blush a tiny bit. "They really did this on purpose..." glisten thought to himself.

Time skip...

Both glisten and goob were yawning knowing there's no blankets in here they knew what they had to do... "Ima just sleep now.." goob laid down on the floor of the room and looked over at glisten. Glisten say and they both made eye contact. "Um..." glisten jokingly started to flirt. "What's wrong can't look away?" He winked as he said that making goob feel more fuzzy inside... glisten noticed this and finally asked the question. " that we're here..together...would you go out with me?" Goob looked shocked but his face red as hell. "Um-um-um...yes!" Goob looked away while glisten was just smiling. "Well after this of course." They both chuckled. "Yea..." they just stared at each other before hugging and cuddling on the floor. For once glisten didn't care if his makeup would get smudged.

They both fell asleep.

Cosmo and sprout opened the door the next morning and found them snuggled together. "WAKE UP WE HAVE TO GO ON A RUN IN A FEW!" Both glisten and goob woke up fast. "WHAT/HUH?!" Goob stood up and glisten too... They walked out the kitchen and into the lobby area "goob you know they did this on purpose right." Glisten made eye contact with them. "REALLY?!" They heard goob yelling and looked like he was going to start running. "SPROUT!" "OH SHIT!" Sprout started running while goob chased him through the garden view lobby entrance goob gave up since sprout hid easily. "I'm going to my room glisten wanna come with?" "Sure let me get my make up." Shrimpo saw all this go down and felt a bit jealous? So he walked up to goob. "What are you doing with this...toon?" "Going to my room why so you care...?" Shrimpo was taken aback by goobs words. "HEY DONT-." Goob cut him off. "Don't you dare yell at me shrimpo ok you don't control me! Understand? Good now leave me alone!" Shrimpo was shocked.. and thought to himself... "is it my fault...?" He watched goob walk away with glisten and he saw it them holding hands... "WAIT WAIT!" Shrimpo stopped them. "Are you guys a thing?" "Yea why? Can stand it?" Glisten mocked shrimpo. "Goob seriously him?!" "Better than you." Glisten said in a low tone. "You can be serious..." shrimpo said letting out a bit of emotion. "Now you want to like him? Jeez well sorry shrimpo you had your chance." Glisten said and finally walked away with goob not looking back. Good slightly felt back but knew it was him and what he said that made all this happen.

For once shrimpo actually felt HURT. glistens words digging into his skin...sprout and cosmo watched this happen and also just walked away.//

Ok so idk if this would be the end... of is it my fault. Ykw ITS ISSSSSSSSS OK BACK TO UNDERSTANDING BYE GUYS

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