Chapter 3 - Hum of a God

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Considering on what Alex had faced. He was indeed with a girl who is shorter than him and has a very cold presence towards him. Alex no more committed the very rule of 'gambling', it'll just be trouble spelled for the young lad.

The fight began about three days ago between Angel and the gamblers hideout. Amazingly, he never saw such graceful movements of the sword and how the way it strikes a part of the body. No matter how the fight was determined as a horrid one. It was definitely worth it to have watched the whole thing. Angel already apprehended that Alex was not a man yearning for notoriety.

I remember playing with.... a sword. My mother gave me a plastic one when I was seven at the time. The image of me swinging it all over the place is still unimaginable though. But how do I keep remembering every pieces of memory each day?

He was confused. Bunch of bees keep on being noisy outside. This town, he decided to live in it because of its bright lights at night. The glow attracted people from the outside and countless chatters made them even more interested in staying at this old place.

That is what Melinna told him after he settled in his new room, which is now an inn. For an inn. The designs were simple and nothing grew out of the extraordinary. A warm feeling of nostalgia came to him. A memory again made him realize something but the memory turned into split clouds when someone knocked on the door.

"Who is it?" The visitor gave no greetings nor a friendly reply. He was getting suspicious. Usually, people will say stuff like 'Sorry to bother you.' or 'Can I have a moment for a second?'

A few people occupied some rooms in eight rooms so the inn would only get about a few silver. He readied himself, wore his hood that was at every step of his journey, gulped and unlocked the door with the rusty key Alex took from his pocket.

A man stood there in a strange getup. They both covered their faces to not reveal even the slightest identity.

"I heard you broke the rule called 'gambling' and one of our knights have captured you but decided to set you free, is it true?" The man first spoke haughtily. If this wasn't one of those strange men he saw the other day then he would've told this man to get lost. The dark man looked on every inch of his room maintaining the calm demeanor. What's his deal anyway?


"Did you do it because you throw away the sacred law of this land or another reason is in mind?"

"Okay I'll be straight here. I wasn't thinking specifically because I'm not that familiar here. I just asked myself 'What would I do? Gamble so I can have enough money and live in this inn? or Do it for disrupting the balance of your law on which I don't understand yet?"

"But your money right now is 10 platinum am I right? The second powerful coin. And do you mean that you picked the first choice of the question?"

"It was stupid to think about gambling but for some reason I just wanted to earn money so badly to live here. Any problem with that?" He was still a teenager but it is quite usual that some do excel in the culinary arts, cleaning the dishes if he wanted that job, or even a good ol sweeper like Melinna. For some unknown explanation, gambling seemed to be the first than those jobs in his mind but now it was dangerous to perform in it. Lucky for Alex, he's great fighting off his temptation.

"I can see that it is a 'no'. If you'll use it for criminal purposes then my knights will have no choice but to arrest you and await for punishment."

"Then we have no problems here? Why not leave?"

"I shall and yes there is, why are you living in this joke of an inn?"

"Leave." He threatened the hooded man. No reply, he turned back to see the light of day. Alex realized at the very beginning that there's still evil and even those people who act like some sort of monsters living in the circular world. Why would they exist anyway when all they bring is sadness, pain, and terror? There are many words that can describe them.

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