Chapter 1 - The Blessing Ceremony - Chernabog's POV

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Standing here in Ceremony Hall, the lights from the chandeliers cast an angelic hue on the royal guests-- how ironic. Their unsuspecting voices danced with anticipation in the echoes of the vaulted ceiling. Many generations of pitifully wealthy families had celebrated magical moments in these hallowed halls. The wretched scent of patchouli incense and designer fragrance wafted up my nostrils. Church, what a joke. They only attend for the big holidays. Make no mistake, it's about keeping up appearances. It sickens me to see them dressed in their Auradonian best. Off to my left stands Cinderella with her sparkling powder blue ballgown and Prince Charming with his gold epaulettes dripping guadliy down his shoulders. His son Chad, standing only slightly in front of him with a fitted black suit and his arm wrapped around his wife Ruby so tightly she was practically his bracelet. To my right at the front of the crowd, I could see the back of Evie, Auradon's newest fashion designer. Her gown, made of sapphire blue tulle, falls in tiers down her body like ocean waves. The bodice of her dress was made of an equally eye-catching sapphire color, only it was a silk bodice covered in rhinestones. Only she could take both cheap and luxurious fabrics and make them look half decent together.

Before I could assess the Royals any further, the blast of trumpets fills the room. Gritting my teeth as rage wells up within me, I bide my time for the right moment. I'd been hiding in Audrey's body, which was much more capable than I realized. When I had granted her powers several years ago, I thought she would lose her ability to cast magic, but she didn't. It's like I awakened something in her, something powerful, something passionate, something....that was dangerously close to expelling me. I just need a little more time to finish the job she'd summoned me for, so I could gain enough power to find a new host that can help me drain the "Serenity Stone" of its energy and take over Auradon.

The master of ceremonies began to speak in a crisp tone "Honored guests and loved ones, lend us your attention now, as the three most honored and supreme eminences bless the royal princesses Vallain and Bella."

As the Master of Ceremonies speaks, I see Cruella DeVille tip her head forward. Obviously, she was thinking of her son Carlos, one of the most recent souls Hades had escorted to the other side. When the Core Four had gotten back from what they thought was "defeating me" at my mountain, Carlos returned only to have a Cinderella moment with Jane. He returned her shoe to her, they got married, and were set to have a kid in 2021. Unfortunately for him, he didn't make it to see the birth of his precious baby girl, they so lovingly named Celeste.

As soon as the Master's of Ceremonies echoes fade, the popping of polite applause emerged, then came a light fluttering of fairy wings wafting over the crowd. The blue fairy is the first to shimmer into being, followed by the green and red fairy. All three standing tall with proud smirks across their faces. Each of them resembled their mothers when they were young-- arrogant.

The distinct click of each heel as it meets the marble floor sickens me. How could these fairies think they're "doing good" in the world by blessing Mal's babies? Mal should be punished for what she's done. She's hurt my poor host. Audrey was madly in love with Ben before she took him away. I don't care that Audrey has lost sight of our promise of revenge over the years, Mal still wronged her, and she needs to be dealt with. The worst thing of all, Mal took away my opportunity to rule Auradon!

"Aren't they just dear?" coos Rosey the Red Fairy as she gazed at the royal twins.

The three fairies then turn to face King Ben and Queen Mal and bow their heads.

Rosey sways her hands to the side as she speaks, "Your majesties. We will offer one blessing each, as it is written."

Ben and Mal bow their heads as the three fairies turn once again to the twins. Rosey steps forward first and with a wave of her wand gives the first blessing. Her voice is full and flowery. "A present to you both for all eternity." A shimmering image of the twins waving to a crowd appears well above the bassinet where the twins are cradled. "Natural leaders need great tenacity. Dedication will guide you both through the years. These things I wish for you, my dears." As she finishes her last sentence and the image dissipates, she backs away slowly allowing Bestia the Green Fairy to step forward.

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