Chapter 12 - The pup of Pinecone and Gale

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Pinecone rested, basking in the sun on her hot rock she had found. It was a bit out of the way, but she had her mate and Penglai Gale with her, so she wasn't worried. She was carrying Gale's pup, so it was critical she had a Penglai with her at all times, and Gale was more than happy to. Gale was lying behind her on the same rock, he was licking her scruff and ears. Pinecone slowly fell asleep to the rhythmyc laps of Gale's tounge, but Gale stayed uncomfortably alert. If something happened to Pinecone now, he would never forgive himself.

A twig snapped, and he leapt off the rock, scruff bristling, a low growl deep in his throat. 

Pinecone blinked her eyes open. "Gale, what's wrong?" She murmured sleepily.

Gale sighed. "I heard a mouse snap a twig."

Pinecone snorted. "Calm down a bit, Gale. It's not like a rabid-death creature will burst out of those trees, you know."

Gale sighed. "You're right. I just feel uneasy here."

Pinecone nodded. "We can go get Weed if that would make you feel better...Or Bramble?"

At the mention of Bramble, Gale's ears slapped down to his head and his fur rose. "No. Not Bramble. Never Bramble. I don't trust him. And besides, I saw a scrap of Loc's fur on his chest."

Pinecone gasped. "You did?"

Gale nodded. "But keep him as your Hoopine, act like you don't know. I have a feeling that will be safest."


Word had gotten to Silverstripe that Pinecone, the new Leader of Feather Lake was having a pup with the Penglai, Gale. Maybe it was time for him, as well, to have a mate. There were, after all, plenty of female wolves, dogs, and coyotes in this pride. But Stream had really caught his eye. Yes, Stream would be his mate. 

He got up from his place in his warm, fire lit cave, and trotted out into the main camp area, where he knew Stream would be teaching in the cave next to the Nursery. He stopped, and nervously waited outside the entrance. He had had his eyes on Stream for the past few moon cycles, so this wasn't some hasty decision, but his pelt grew hot as the class went on, until finally, the class was dismissed, and Silverstripe composed himself, padding silently into the cave.

Stream turned, smiling. "Hello, Silverstripe! What brings you here?"

Silverstripe nodded. "'m here, yeah. So, uh, Stream... Please will you be my mate!!!!"

Stream blinked. "Oh, Silverstripe... Y-yes, yes I will. Be your mate."

Silverstripe sighed in relief. "You will? Thank you, my dear Stream. Thank you."


Pinecone and Gale went back to the Hollow, Pinecone moving slow, and Gale orbiting her as they moved forward. When they finally reached the camp, Gale stayed right next to her, and searched for Bramble. He saw Bramble, and steered Pinecone away from him.

"So, at the Mooncycle Meeting tonight, who will be coming?"

Pinecone tilts her head. "Bramble, Thora, you, Iroen, Rabbit, Crimson, Tip, Kantash, and Beetle. The hollow guards will be Weed, Thorn, Carp, Dusk, and Symon."

Gale blinks. "Symon? Are you sure?"

Pinecone smiles warmly. "Of course I am, Gale. Just because he is our Norlash doesn't mean he can't fight."


That night, at the Never Moon, the Island buzzed with chatter, as the six prides met. Kantash looked around, in awe. He kept bugging Iroen, running at his heels. The silver cat kept having to shoo away the young caribu, which was taller than him, but this was his first Mooncycle Meeting, after all. Iroen stretched out each of his muscles, and padded over to where the other prides' Ceteres stood. He looked around the creatures gathered here, and then sat next to an old Hotspring Valley friend, Star. 

Star smiled down at him. "Iroen, hello! Sure has been a while."

Iroen nodded. "Yes, well, my mate is expecting."

Star smiled. "I know, congrats! You should name one Star."

Iroen flicked his tail at her. "Oh yeah? well, when you and Rooni have your pups, you should name one Iroen."

Star looked down at her swollen stomach, and smiled distantly. "Well, maybe I will."

Iroen snorted. "Right."


Rooni searched over the gathered animals at the island, and smiled warmly when he saw Star. Pinecone crawled up onto the Cliff, Gale nervously helping her, and she sat by Rooni's side. On his other side sat Neffer, next to him Silverstripe, and Timanna was just entering the clearing with her Pride. He looked around for the leader of the Pride of Rabbit Valley, a badger named Errtaf. He couldn't see him, or any members of his Pride.


Tip strutted over to Star and Iroen, and sat flank to flank with her mate. Iroen wrapped his tail around Tip's black pelt, and purred.

Star smiled warmly at her. "Tip. We were just talking about how I'm gonna name one of my Sleekcat-pups Iroen."

Tip grinned. "Oh yeah? Fat chance. You're gonna name one Tip for sure!"

Star tipped her head. "Hmmm. Maybe if one looks like Rooni."

Tip nods.


Errtaf lumbered along the path along the Mountain Range, Apple and Shark on either side. Behind them were Leap, Bear, Whip, Flash, Bolt, Ronig, Leaf, Korren, Flare, Bark, Amber, and Snow. Snow, Flash, and Bolt were walking together as Snow was the littermates' mother. They were close, and raced across the last stretch into the clearing. 

Errtaf entered first, and climbed up onto the Cliff. He sat down in an empty spot, and the clearing grew silent as Neffer stepped forward to speak.

Neffer looked around the crowd. "If, by any chance, one of you KILLED Vleetor like you KILLED Loc, I will not hesitate to set my fiercest members against you! That being said, anyone who finds and RETURNS him will be rewarded with only the best of Stone Statues and Ice-chips. In other news, we found the scent of Vleetor on a Naffe." He glared at Timanna. "And I have my suspicions."


Timanna smiled tightly. "There is not much news. We had lost a few members, but they are back." She nodded her head. "Rooni, what about you?"

She was filled with the urge to rip Neffer's head off. But he was too powerful. Indeed, Later, when Ty'lynn's Dream is fulfilled.


Rooni stepped up, nodding to Timanna as he passed. "Not much has happened this moon cycle. My mate is further into her pregnancy, and the hotsp-"

There was a loud moan from Pinecone. Thora, Welph, Ruth, Evvaliyn, and Saraya were instantly up on the rock, kicking the leaders off. Gale tried to get up to Pinecone, as their pup was being born.


Star watched, transfixed as the small, slimy head of a pup appeared, then the rest. She slowly blinks, and then Pinecone passes out from weakness. Star looked down at her own swollen belly, then up at the newly born pup. The meeting is called off, and all the leaders gather their Prides to them. Star got up slowly, and walked to her mate and leader, Rooni. 

Tip and Iroen turn to each other. Tip has a worried expression on her face as she says, "Where do we go now?"

Iroen sighs. "I dunno."

Pinecone stands up shakily. "Feather Lake Pride, to me!"


Gale carried the pup gingerly in his mouth. Their single pup, the only in the litter. He


AND THATS IT FOLKS THATS ALL I WROTE!!! and thats all there ever will be, at least of this iteration, because i simply couldnt capture the oblivious 5th-7th grader magic even if i tried

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