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This is Book 2 of my skyeward series you don't need to read the first one but it is worth a read so you understand it more it's called 'pulling the trigger'

Skye pov

It's been 3 days since wards death and it's been a day since I woke up, I'm finding it hard to cope without him, I miss his stupid grin, his short smart black hair, and his funny remarks he always made, I miss him. I haven't slept at all because all I could think about was him, they say they never recovered his body but coulson told me not to put my hopes up that's he's still alive but something just doesn't feel right, it fells like he's still here with me not in a ghostly way but I feel as if he should be walking through that door any minute and make fun of how I'm stuck on this wheel chair for another day, I just get this sick sense he's alive and I'm going to get to the bottom of it.
As I made my way down to fitz and Simmons lab I pass a few people with there sympathetic looks on there faces but I couldn't be dealing with that now so I just ignored them and carried on to fitz lab, once I reached it I saw him and Jemma talking I then did a quick cough to alert them I was there and smiled
"Um fitz can I have a second alone please" I say with a smile, jemma looks at me and nods then brushes past me on her way out
"What's up?" He says
"I need you to cross reference wards DNA into any camera in the country please" I say but fitz just looks at me with sad eyes
"Skye please he's gone" he says but I don't listen
"He's not gone ok please fitz your the only one I trust that can do this sort of thing please for me" I say whilst pleading with my hands, he looks at me then at the laptop and nods
"Ok fine I'll do it now" he says I smile at him I would hug him but Simmons said not to get of the chair so I just thanked him
"Thanks fitz oh and don't tell coulson or anyone please" I ask
"But-" he says before I interrupt him
"No one ok fitz thanks" and on that I wave good bye and head outside the door to find coulson. After what seems ages of looking I finally find him on the phone I look at him and cough and he just puts his finger up as to tell me to wait, I smile and sit there patiently waiting, as soon as he's off the phone he looks at me and smiles
"What's up?" He says whilst looking at my feet on the wheelchair I can't help it but move a bit to get his attention onto my face
"Um what time is the- uh funeral" I ask with a single tear drop down my cheek
"Uhh it's ok and we will be leaving in About 5 minutes are you ready?" I look up at him and nod
"Do you want me to push you to the quin jet" he asked I looked at him and nodded, once we were on the jet it only took us about 5 minutes to get there but I wanted us to take the jet, for ward, he always loved flying them.
Once we were there coulson rolled me out into my reserved space and everybody sat down, there was a casket at the front but with no body in it just a plaque with his name on, once the ceremony started I couldn't help but cry, I looked over to Simmons to see her in floods of tears and fitz trying to comfort her, when I looked to May I saw her head dropped and her face with sad expression on but no tears, I even saw romanoff there standing and paying her respects with clint bye her side, it was so nice to no even some of the avengers were there to pay respects that made me realised even though he made mistakes he was still deeply loved. As the service went on tears still kept on flowing down my face, but then it was my turn to speak about him, I knew just what to say
"Where to start, ward was the best s.0 you could have, he always cared and always made sure I was on track and target, he always protected me and he has saved my ass so many times that I lost count he even ,uh, died saving my ass one last time, and if I could turn back time and switch places with him I would because he didn't deserve this he was the best partner to have and I'll never forget him rest in peace ward" I say whilst crying and holding the dog tag chain around my neck
"Thank you" I say before wheeling away, I couldn't stay longer I couldn't bare the thought of it all so I just waited for everyone to leave so I can be alone, with him, once everyone left and I said what I needed to say I just sat there for what seems like forever till my thoughts were interrupted buy a hand on my shoulder I turn to see coulson standing there looking down
"It's alright well get through this" he says with a sympathetic smile, but all I can do is glare into space,thinking, about if he's still alive, where would he be? Is he safe? I keep asking myself before I get interrupted again
"Come on let's go back to base you need to rest because you won't be needing that wheelchair tomorrow so you need the energy" he says but this time I look at him and nod
"Ok" I say whilst wiping away a single tear off my cheek

A/N uhh poor skye anyway hope you enjoyed the chapter will be updating soon don't forget to check out the first book 'pulling the trigger' and maybe check out my other fanfic 'our story' thanks as always can you please vote, comment and give feedback please thanks
-shield135 x

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