What have I done

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Ward/sam's pov

Once I finished packing all my clothes and weapons I head down to the quin jet, as I'm heading down I walk past yet another familiar face like that girl skye in my dream he was a tall, oldish man probably late 40's early 50's I nodded and smiled, and as I was walking off I herd another man talking to him he called him Garrett, Garett why does that sound familiar skye and Garett something isn't right and it's to do with them.
Finally after what seems forever I reach the quin jet still consumed in my thoughts until I get snapped back into reality with the sound of the door hooting the ground and the footsteps walking out
"Sam good to see you back with the marines" he says I look at him and smile
"Chris Bennett is been a while" I say whilst pulling him into a hug
"Yeah it has, anyway you ready for this mission I'm your pilot" he says with a smile plastered on his
"Yeah I am lets do this" I say whilst glancing at her folder in my hand
"Let's go then" he says whilst leading me to my seat
"The journeys gonna take a while so rest up I'll wake you up 5 minutes before our destination" he says with a smile I look at him and nod whilst laying down and placing my head on the soft pillow but all I could think about was HER

"Skye Don't move you've got a broken rib, a fractured wrist, a swallon eye, a deep laceration to your left leg and a few minor cuts and bruises to your face" I said with more tears on my face
"I'll be fine" she says with a fake smile to try and reassure me but it doesn't work
"Huh, no you won't not unless we can get you out of here, if you don't get medical attention within 2 days you'll die skye" I say with more tears down my face.

"Sam!" I open my eyes to see Chris above me looking down
"You alright?" He asks with concern, I look at him and nod I don't want this conversation to go any further, I don't want to lie to Chris but I don't want him to know anything either, but thankfully he didn't ask me anything about it I'm in the clear for now.
As we continue on our journey only with about five minutes left all I could think about was the dream the same dream I keep on having about skye, who is this girl, I'm starting to think it's not a dream but maybe a memory, I continue to think about the dream until Chris snaps me back into reality
"Sam we are here targets in that restaurant not far from here, head due north and you'll find her, take the comms, your weapons and change into these new clothes and here" he says whilst holding the case with the sedative in, I frown at him and nod, I head round the corner to change into my black jeans, black T-shirt and black leather jacket, wow they really like the colour black, once I finished changing, I place my comms in my ear and hide my weapons in there secrets pockets and then I head out

10 minutes later ••••••
Location ▪️▪️▪️▪️a▪️▪️l 

When I reach the restaurant I see the girl on her own drinking a glass of water, I can see she's being watched by a blonde women in the corner I can tell she's going to be trouble, but I don't want to cause a seen in the dinner not with civilians around, I know Daniel said civilian casualties doesn't matter but it does for me and that's not how I work, once I've checked it's safe I head towards the girl, I need to know who she is
"Hello ma'am is this seat taken?" I ask politely, she looks at me shocked but then coughs
"Um no go ahead" she says with a smile, I look down at her and smile back but then something catches my eye
"Ward is that your name?" I ask with curiosity I know it's not but I wanted to know why she's wearing a dog tag with the name ward on
"Huh um no, no it's not" she says with a tear down her face
"Oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to offend you" I say with an apologetic look on my face
"No it's uh not you someone I cared a lot about gave me this and they didn't make it" she says but all I could do was look at her
"Oh I'm sorry to" I started to say before she interrupted
"Cut the crap I know why your really here" she snaps back at me, again I just look at her, how the hell did I get made I need her to trust me because I need a word with her
"I don't know what your talking about" I say whilst getting my comms and dropping in on her water to show I mean business, she looks at me in shock
"Look I've seen you before I know I have, why are you so special?" I ask with curiosity but all she does is look at me with another tear coming down her face
"Let me ask you something ward- uh I mean whoever you are, could you actually tell me exactly what has happened in the last few years ya know memories that have happened to you?" She says with a whisper I look at her and think about her question, come to think of it no, only one memory and it's not that long just me getting drunk and falling over and hitting my head
"What speechless I thought so, your not who you think you are, your friends Whitehall and all his thugs yeah they aren't your friends and they never have been they brainwashed you ward" she has a point but that doesn't mean she's right uhh why is this so confusing it hurts my brain
"Why does everybody keep calling me wa- ,just, stop calling me ward my names Sam and I know exactly who you are, Skye if that's your real name, and your planning to release a biochemical bomb on the U.S!" I whisper in a loud way to show I'm angry but not to draw any attention to ourselves
"A bomb that's the lie they told you wow, Huh I call you ward because that's your name see" she says whilst handing me the dog tag 
"This was yours, you gave it to me when we were locked up, I was badly hurt and you risked your life to save mine, you gave this to me before you left and I never saw you again till now" I look at the dog tag then at her, she nods so then place it in my pocket, then I realize she's just explained my dream I look at her shocked that's how my dream go's so it's a memory, but this Skye is saying she's my friend why don't I remember her well
"No this can't be happening Daniel would never do that to me" I shout with anger which draws a couple of looks towards me
"Let me guess we've got a minute before your guy comes to see why you aren't on comms whatever your gonna do, do it now I trust you" she says with a smile
"First I barley know you secondly your just going to let me take you to god knows where were you will endure lots pain, probably" I say with a confused yet intrigued look on my face, this girl is weird which kind of makes me like her I mean look at her she is gorgeous wow if she wasn't trying to blow up the U.S I would so date her, wait what are you thinking Sam pull your self together, oh wow your staring now wow just look the other way
"Well what are you gonna do mr fun machine" I look at her strangely because of the nickname she just said
"Sorry habit" she says with a smile, I look at her then outside I can see Chris walking towards us from the distance, I can't fail this mission, I'll talk to her later about this when we are alone but I haven't got time now
"Follow me" I say with showing her I had a gun
"Well ok no need to use that" she says whilst getting up, I see her mouth something to the blonde haired women but if she's not causing trouble I don't care. We walk out and head round a corner, I can see Chris heading straight towards us, once I've seen there's nobody around I look to Skye
"I'm sorry" I say with sticking the needle in her delicate soft neck and within seconds she fell to the floor unconscious, I was about to pick her up when I saw a note in her hand it read

Hello ward or what ever your name is please don't show anyone this note

By now you've probably captured me because I know Whitehall, he still needs me but anyway, hopefully when you saw me you recognized me I know you have a past probably some stupid silly memory but believe me when I say this its not real, I have a friend called Bobbie you used to know her please meet with her tomorrow at 6am at this very dinner you found me In, she will explain everything you need to know about you and your real past, just trust me, I know you have no reason to but your smart and they can't take that away form you, so I know you would have thought something fishy was going on just please trust me on this one because I'm with you till the end of the line

Skye (the girl in the dinner)

After I read the note realization hit me like a truck Skye has a point, I quickly hid the note in my pocket and turned round to see Chris smiling
"Well done Sam let's take her back to base, mission complete" he says with a smile, I nod at him and follow behind whilst to big men walk past to grab her limp body
"I'm proud of you Sam" Chris says whilst pacing his hand in my shoulder
"Thanks" I say whist I glare back at Skye to see her body getting dragged into a van, what have I done?, I thought to myself

A/N hello lovelies can anyone spot the reference form the famous marvel movie? first one to say it in the comments wins a virtual cake
Anyway hope you enjoyed please vote, comment and give feedback on how you think it went thanks
-shield135 x

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