The Game Begins

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"She's such a bitch!" Alison fumed, her voice sharp with frustration. Kelly's reaction had cut deep, the sting of ungratefulness gnawing at her.

"Does she remind you of anyone?" Spencer's calm voice sliced through Alison's anger, her words measured and precise.

Alison's sneer faltered as she caught herself in the reflection of Spencer's words. Of course, Spencer was right—she usually was. Alison could see the old, ruthless version of herself mirrored in Kelly's outburst. It was like looking back in time, and the recognition churned her stomach.

"She's just scared, Alison," Spencer continued, her tone softened with the weight of experience. They both knew what it was like to be cornered by "A."


Alison's phone pierced the air, the shrill sound dragging her back to the present. "Alison speaking."

"It's Faran!" The voice on the other end was frantic, raw with fear. "Please, what number are you in? I'm in trouble."

"We're in 3," Alison responded without hesitation, already moving to the door. She yanked it open just in time to see Faran sprinting toward them, her face a mask of terror.

"What's happened?" Spencer asked, her sharp eyes scanning Faran's sweat-soaked, panic-stricken form.

"Archie!" Faran's scream was a jagged edge of terror, her voice cracking as if she could still feel his presence behind her, closing in.

"What do you mean?" Alison's voice was tight, disbelief mingling with fear.

"Didn't he die in the prison riot?" Spencer's question hung in the air, logical but impossible.

"He just finished chasing me through the park!" Faran's words tumbled out in a desperate rush as she collapsed onto the nearest seat, her hands trembling as they clutched at her head.

Alison moved to Faran's side, placing a steadying hand on her shoulder, while Spencer took her hand, anchoring her with a quiet strength.

"You're going to get through this," Spencer said, her voice a balm against the rising tide of hysteria.

Faran looked up, her eyes dark with the anger of loss, ready to lash out—until she met Spencer's gaze. There, in those eyes, was something she hadn't seen in anyone else today: genuine care. Despite everything, Faran found herself wanting to believe her.

Alison rose to make tea, seeking some small comfort for Faran in the familiar ritual. As she reached for the cup, her gaze drifted out the window, and that's when she saw it.

The cup slipped from Alison's grasp, shattering on the floor with a sharp, crystalline sound that echoed through the room.

Outside, in the shadows behind the motel, a figure stood. It was a vision pulled straight from the past—a nightmare come to life. Red Coat. The same bright red, the same sleek black jeans, heels, and long, flowing blonde hair. The resemblance to Cece was haunting, unnerving in its perfection.

Alison's heart pounded as she bolted for the door, Spencer hot on her heels, neither needing to exchange words. They burst out the back entrance, only to see Red Coat hesitate for a split second before kicking off her heels and breaking into a run.

They chased her around the building, their breath coming in ragged gasps. But as they rounded the corner, a car screeched to a halt in front of Red Coat. The door flew open, and in a heartbeat, she was inside, the car peeling away with no license plate to trace.

"What the fuck!" Alison's voice was thick with disbelief and dread. The game had just taken a turn—now, they were in it too. Not as spectators, but as players.

Spencer and Alison exchanged a panicked glance before rushing back to the room, hoping Faran had found some semblance of calm in their absence.

But when they reached the door, the sight that greeted them was pure horror. The room was empty. Faran was gone.

Blood—so much blood—painted the walls and floor, streaked with handprints that told of a vicious struggle. The window on the side of the room hung open, the curtains fluttering in the breeze, mocking them with their silence.

Outside, the sound of screeching tires filled the air as another vehicle sped out of the motel parking lot.

Alison and Spencer stood frozen in the doorway, their eyes wide with the sickening realization. They were absolutely fucked.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20 ⏰

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