Chapter 5: first day

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Disclaimer: i do not own ouran high school host club besides my oc. Drugs mentioned in this chapter.

1 week later

"This is so Boring!" I say falling onto the love seat next to haruhi

We had gotten so much closer over the week and caught up on each others lives. apparently, her mother died shortly after I left which made me feel extremely guilty. I told her that Alex had become my body guard last year after an 'incident' involving My aunty.

Tamakis been ranting on for the past week saying I should be more of a gentleman and less sarcastic to the ladies. 'use your pinky finger like this!' he says 'don't slouch!' he says its all bla bla bla to me. Alex was pretty pissed off after the whole teacup incident and nearly bashed the twins into the ground. I had gotten pretty close with the club members and I talk with honey  a lot, I nearly passed out when he said he was 17. Mori and the twins were pretty nice to me but kyoya seemed distant, and whenever I approached him he just brushed me off.

"Get off my daughter Yurri!" Tamaki yelled.

I groaned and slid off the couch and landed on a star shape in the floor. I crawled over to alex and put my head onto his knee.

"so...tired" I slur.

He chuckles before a serious looking kyoya walked in, he saw me on Alex and his face went red. Strange... why was he mad?

"So, today is the first club session of the year and when the newest host is going to be 'released'" he said in a montone voice. I groaned and put my face further into Alexes lap, grabbing his leg.

"hikaru, kaouru do something about Yurris appearence"  Kyoya says.

My eyes instantly shoot open as I feel a pair of two arms drag me off of Alex. Much to my dismay. And into the change rooms.

"okay Yourri, STRIP!" they both say in unison. I feel the heat rise up from my neck and to my cheeks. They both smirk and reach for me. Kaoru manages to pull of my sweater much to my dismay and I cover my chest even though I still have my button up on under neath.

"why are you so nervous yurri, we're all boys here" Hikaru says.

"I don't like being touched okay? just hand me my uniform and get out!" I yell at them.

They look at each other than back at me nodding, they pass me a bag and leave the dressing room ,shutting the curtain. I quickly unbutton my shirt and put on the new clean, crisp one they gave me. I didn't bother putting on the school pants and just stayed in my skinny jeans.  I put on my combat boots and had an inner debate on  whether or not to take out my piercings. I shrug, not being bothered by the effort in having to put them back in again. I run my tongue over my newly added lip piercing and slip on th school blazer and tie. wait...I don't know how to tie a tie.

"hey, can someone help me with this?" I say leaving the change room.

Hikaru and kaoru shrug and look at kyoya. He sighs and walks over to me.

"Give it here" he says.

I pass him the black tie and run a hand through my hair. He reaches around my neck sending shivers along my skin when his cold fingers grazed me. He flipped the knot and pulled on the second piece of the tie. Pulling the knot up to my collar bones "leave the top button undone, it looks edgier." he says, red tinging his cheeks. I smile sheepisly and pop my my blazer and give him the thumbs up.,
"Alright" kyoya spluttered "it's time to get into you're places."
Everyone nods and stands by the front door. I stand next to haruhi and cross my arms. Alex had left fpr the library so he could study while i was in the change rooms. I feel a pat on my shoulder and look up to see mori giving me the smallest hinto f a smile but it all the encouragement i need. I smile back and nudge him with my shoulder.
I here kyoya cough and I look back smirking.

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