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'I'll admit, when I was a child, I was beyond troublesome. Some might say that I was beyond redemption, like I was some kind of wrathful demon that was not to be trusted.'

A child with leopard ears sat alone on the swings, staring down at the dirt grounds with a blank expression on his face.

'My parents are models and businessmen, so it was only natural that I was born into a promising wealth. I was given everything a child like me could ask for, but I just felt...empty. I didn't know what it was, I didn't know what I craved. I begged for more and more valuables that no one else could buy so easily, but I never felt a spark joy. And my mood was so dead and confused...'

A orange ball rolled to the leopard hybrid's feet. He looked up and saw two wolf cubs being cautious of him, backing away slowly as they the leopard child just stared at them for a moment. When the leopard went to move, the two wolf cubs fled.

'That other children—and their own parents automatically get an uneasy vibe from me.'

As the small leopard child looked around, he noticed that the park—which was very lively when he arrived—was now vacant. The leopard boy hopped off the swing, and he picked up the orange ball that the cubs from earlier had left.

'It was obvious to me...that I was the weird one out. I didn't know that my vibe was...scary and moody!'

The small leopard child held the ball close as he began his walk home. He made it home on his own, getting inside the house with little difficulty. He threw the orange ball somewhere in the house, and climbed on the couch to watch television.

'I didn't have any friends, and the topic of family was debatable. My mom and dad weren't around—not for a long while. The last time I was able to see and touch them was my fifth birthday party. After that, I never saw them again. I couldn't even call them, since they won't even answer. It worried me so bad that I thought they were dead. Well, they might as well be. They traveled away together, while I stayed behind. Doesn't that sound crazy? A five year old boy was left alone in a giant house, having to learn how to survive without parental guidance. It's a crime that I didn't bother to speak up about. Why didn't report this? I don't know! I was dumb back then—so, so dumb. I didn't even know such a thing was a crime. Luckily, I was smart enough to buy the needed essentials and make my own decisions. Am I mad at them for this neglect? No, I'm not. Am I disappointed? Yes. I could never describe the feeling that I get whenever I see an advertisement on television about a place that the "entire family" can enjoy. That's when I realized: the smiles were fake, the joy was fake! All of it was fake! Because NO ONE is ever this happy!'

'I then saw another commercial, and this one caught my attention more than the last. It was a commercial that featured a couple that was getting engaged, and they went on a ton of fun adventures. The short commercial made me question: "What's Love?" It wasn't long before I found out that love can mean many things! You can have love for a friend, love for a family member, love for a pet, love for a partner, or even love for a object. It was such a versatile word that I didn't have an understanding of. I didn't know how to show love to anything, and if I did...who would be there to absorb the love that I give?'

After a couple of hours, the small leopard had got tired and went to bed. He then woke up the next day and went to school.

'I got tired of trying to simplify the word, and...I decided to focus on the word I knew well: "Wealth." It was a simple word that translated to value or valuable things. It was something that didn't confuse me, since that was all I had. However, no matter how hard I tried to push it away, my curiosity for love never faded. So, I did something that haunts me to this day!'

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