The Day Of

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"Oh, I don't know if I'm ready to go out there, is it starting already? Why don't they have a teacher do this?" Tino Väinämöinen rambled on anxiously as Berwald Oxenstierna fixed his bow-tie and suit blankly, "Who's idea was this? Do we have to be in the auction too??"

"No." Berwald stood up straight again to tie his own tie, "Just c'lm d'wn, you'll be f'ne."

"Is it starting now??"


"I wish we had a teleprompter, then I wouldn't forget to say anything!"

Tino smiled hopefully,

"This 's th' school's f'ndraiser, n't an awards sh'w."

Berwald reminded him before pushing him out from behind the curtain, Tino sliding on the heels of his dress shoes.

Sadık Adnan sat backstage boredly, waiting for the other boys to catch up.

"Is every one of you late??"

Heracles Karpusi walked up behind stage slowly, he glanced around for a moment, and upon seeing Sadık, stopped in his tracks, and simply stood at the opposite side of the thin amount of stage that was still hidden behind the curtains, refusing to take a step nearer.

"It had to be you, didn't it?" Sadık said narrowing his eyes at him slightly, "You had to be first."

Heracles pretended not to hear him, but decided to reply nonetheless.

"If the others were not late we wouldn't have a problem."

Sadık sighed slightly and rolled his eyes, "What part of 'get here 10 minutes early' is so hard to understand?"

Just as he'd spoken those words the other boys began to file in, -if you can call it that, as disorderly as it was- all making quite a bit of noise.

"Is it starting yet?"


"Gomenasai, my sister needed my help.."


"You guys are awfully loud.."

"Is there some sort of line up?"

"Blimey, there's a lot of us-"

"Bonjour mon amis~.."

"Don't touch me you frog-"

There was a lot of chatter until a sharp whisper rang through the whole space backstage,

"Everyone /shut up/...mein gott, this is a curtain not a wall, if we are not quiet they can hear us." Ludwig Beilschimdt narrowed his eyes at the crowd, making his way through to the front, "Please contain yourselves."

Gilbert, -who was standing near the front- spoke next, in a hushed tone. "Hallo little brother.." a wide smirk spread across his face, "What are you doing in the line up and not organizing?"

Ludwig just stared at him, "That is beyond me."

The Beilshmidt brothers were the same age, but acted very differently; Gilbert /was/ a bit older, whereas Ludwig acted much older; the two would butt heads a bit in classes together; their sisters, -a year below them in school- Monika and Maria, didn't get along much better.

Ludwig looked at all the other boys crowed backstage in their formal wear and shook his head, turning to Sadık.

"Is there a line up?"

The other nodded and handed him a piece of paper with the list, that was sitting on the small fold up table with him.

As Ludwig attempted to gather the others in line for this peculiar show to start, the girls started to walk into the gymnasium, snickering a bit to themselves and each other about the upcoming events;

Unlike the boys, very few of the girls grew nervous of what was to come. But one of the most nervous however, was Elizaveta, sitting at her very own table with the other organizers and watching carefully, in hopes that all will go well.

As Berwald pushed Tino to the mic, there was one...or a few, others who weren't in place as the boys lined up and the girls sat down with their friends at the round tables.

Feliks Łukasiewicz, Maria Beilshmidt, and Marianne Bonnefoy had gathered out of sight, anxious to stir up trouble, or more pointedly, /Romance/, and therefore some teen drama.

"So what is it we're doing?" Maria snickered quietly, "Why do we have the silly Pole instead of Isabel?"

Marianne smiled smugly, "Isabel wanted to focus on the event, remember?"

"Okay.." Maria took a vacant glance at Feliks, then looked him up and down skeptically, "Why him?"

Feliks stared blankly.

"How about the fact it was like, my idea?"

Marianne chuckled at Maria for a moment before asking a question, "Feliks, what is it exactly are we doing?"

Maria crossed her arms over her chest as Feliks spoke again.

"Starting bidding wars, or otherwise convincing someone to bid on someone you think they should go out with?"

Maria smiled at him a bit reluctantly, "Awesome!"

Marianne rolled her eyes, "This is ridiculous."

Feliks tilted his head to the side somewhat, looking at her and placing his hands on his hips.

"But C'est magnifique~!" she finished, clapping her hands lightly enough not to make a sound.

Quite a few of the girls were a class younger than the boys, but Natalia Arlovskaya, Laura Jansen, Irina Chernenko, Xiao Mei Wang, Lien Chung, and Michelle Laroche had younger /brothers/,

While Erika Zwingli was a younger sister to Basch and Vashia Zwingli, (twins,) and had a twin brother by the name of Eric.

Maria looked at Feliks again, more curiously than skeptically.

"Aren't you supposed to be backstage?"

Feliks smirked obviously, "I know the line up, I'll keep track of when I should be getting up there."

The two girls rolled their eyes, "This will not end well for you, will it~?" Marianne asked smirking back,

"We shall see." Feliks finished as Tino, on stage, accidentally stumbled into the podium, and stood up quickly.

"Hello everyone!" he said nervously, the mic echoed his voice through the large room.

Berwald leaned over the mic from behind him, "Fell'w st'dents." he said with a small nod to the crowd of girls.

Tino fumbled with the papers Elizaveta had given him, "Welcome to our fundraiser! I'm sure you girls are excited!" he said chuckling, "As you may or may not be knowing, all male students are required to participate, and you girls will be, well, doing the bidding, and hopefully you have enough, funds, for us to raise!"

As he finished his statement Berwald nudged him a bit roughly in the arm; Tino broke into a whisper, covering the mic with his hand "What? did I say something wrong?"

"S'y som'th'ng th't makes 't s'und less like us guys h've been tak'n c'ptive.."

"O-oh um..."

Sadık poked his head out from behind the curtain, "Get on with it!!"

A bit of laughter broke out amongst the tables below and he gave a small wink and smile before disappearing behind the curtains again.

Tino took his hand off the mic and looked out at the room again,

"Again, all of us boys are participating and that means, aside from Berwald, Sadık and I, and anyone who was perhaps sick, or could not be making it tonight, girls, you can get a date with pretty much any guy in school,, let's get with the starting!"

He glanced over at Berwald in hopes of a look of approval, but only found a mildly unsettling stare, and smiled guiltily.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2013 ⏰

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