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It was the school's Halloween party, I was with Ali and Susan. me and Ali were matching Angels I wasn't sure what Susan was. We all were just talking and listening to music.

There were lots of people, I'm pretty sure Daniel
Was the shower it looked quite dumb but Mr. Miyagi made it for him probably to hide from Johnny and his group.

"Hey, there's Daniel," Ali said looking over at him, "Where?"Susan asked she didn't like him I could tell. "The shower" Ali laughed, "how do you know?"Susan asked, "It is him."I said smiling.

"I just know. May I?" Ali said and took a flower and went over to Daniel as we rolled over eyes. She was completely head over heels for him.

While Ali and Daniel hung out I saw Johnny's and his friend's costumes. They were dressed as skeletons I thought they looked stupid but oh well.

When the boys noticed my eyes on them, Dutch nudged Johnny and spoke to him, and the boys all snickered as Johnny turned to look at me. God, could he just not stare?

I turned back around to not face them, I grabbed a punch to act like I wasn't staring at Johnny but he probably wouldn't fall for it.

I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked back and saw Johnny "Why were you starin'?"Johnny asked he was curious. "Because your costume is kinda stupid, Lawrence," I said and gave him a look.

"Oh, you're just jealous and not much of an angel being mean to me like this," Johnny smirked after he spoke, "I'm just telling the truth, Lawrence," I mutter.

"Yeah, you can lie all your pretty face wants but you know well LaRusso," Johnny said and then he walked away back to his friends. I was shocked and confused did he just call me pretty? It was Johnny he was probably just teasing.

I glanced back at him and he was already staring. I rolled my eyes and kinda danced around with Susan, I saw Daniel get eggs thrown at him so he went to the bathroom.

Ali came back over to us, "Hey guys" She smiled, and we said hi back. "Get out of the way! Get out of the way! Look out!"I heard Daniel running and yelling.

"Daniel, what's wrong?"I asked and looked toward where he was running from and saw Johnny and his friends running after Daniel.

"It's comin' around," Daniel said and kept running, and then Ali tripped Johnny causing all the boys to fall and I took my chance and ran after Daniel he was so stupid.

"Daniel what the fuck!"I shouted as we ran out and into the road. I looked back and saw them running after us more so Daniel.

"Hurry up!"He yelled as we ran, I knew we were running to the apartment and Daniel tried hopping the fence it didn't work, and the boys brought him down as I watched I couldn't do much.

Johnny pushed Daniel to one of them, "little wimp" the guy said and pushed him back to Johnny "Guys stop!"I yelled as I tried getting them to stop.

"Bobby hold her back!" Johnny yelled, and Bobby grabbed me holding me back as I struggled against him. "You couldn't leave well enough alone, could you, little twerp?"Johnny said and held him by his collar as Daniel grunted.

"No, you had to push it," Johnny grunted "Now you're gonna pay."He said and punched him in the stomach and I gasped.

"Johnny stop!"I yelled and still struggled against Bobby. But Bobby wouldn't budge he kept ahold of me "Stop moving!"Bobby yelled at me.

Dutch then held Daniel, and Johnny kicked Daniel in the face as I yelled for them to stop they were hurting him "What's the matter? Trying to kick Johnny?" one of them said.

Daniel stayed against the fence grunting in pain.
Daniel got kicked again and gasped then Bobby spoke, "Leave him alone, man he's had enough."Bobby said knowing it was getting ugly.

"Shut up, Bobby!"

"Look at him. He can't even stand up."Bobby said but still held onto me "So what!" one of them yelled. "That doesn't mean squat," Dutch said and Bobby shoved me into Johnny's arms, and then Johnny shoved me to the ground.

"Johnny, leave him alone. He's had enough!"Bobby yelled at Johnny as I stood up "Come on Johnny!"I yelled to Johnny.

"I'll decide when he's enough, man," Johnny said and shoved me back into Bobby's arms and I kept struggling.

"The enemy deserves no mercy. Right?"


"Right!" they yelled back at each other.

"You're crazy man!"Bobby yelled at Johnny, Johnny went to kick Daniel but missed, and Mr Miagyi showed up to save Daniel. Bobby immediately threw me to the ground and I hit my nose on the ground and groaned.

"Johnny, Bobby, get him!"

Mr Miyagi kicked them and they all fell groaning in pain, I was also groaning and holding my bloody nose.

Mr Miyagi made his way over to Daniel who was passed out. And I watched I honestly thought Daniel brought this upon himself he messed with Johnny first.

Later I woke up and, I was being carried by someone my vision was kinda blurry but when it cleared up I saw Johnny carrying me.

All the other boys were walking next to him too, "what's going on?"I asked. I was confused very confused about why I was being carried.

Johnny looked down at me, "can't leave a girl alone at night."Johnny grunted as he walked and the other boys just nodded in agreement with his words.

When we got to the outside of my apartment, Johnny helped me walk up the stairs. The boys left us alone and waited for Johnny to come back.

I was about to go inside when someone grabbed my arm. "Wait, Donna" Johnny muttered and stared down at me "What?" I asked wondering what he wanted to say.

"I'm sorry, for hurting your brother my anger got the best of me be messed with me," Johnny said and played with his hands he was nervous.

"Johnny you still did it," I mutter and cross my arms I knew it was Daniels's fault for messing with Johnny.

"Donna, I know I messed up," Johnny said "but I wanna make things right. I like you like I like you."Johnny said I couldn't tell if he was messing around.

I didn't wanna believe it. Not even if it was truthful he was just gonna be like all the boys and ruin me and break my heart. "You jerk stop messing with me!"I exclaimed and shoved him away.

"Donna come on p-" Johnny tried speaking but realized I wouldn't listen to him at all. I could see the hurt on his face I felt bad because I had to hurt his feelings cause I wasn't ready to admit my feelings to him.

"You know what whatever, Daniel deserved what he got. I don't even know why I tried with you, it obviously wouldn't have been worth my time." Johnny said with a tone.

He then went down the apartment stairs, when he got back to his friends he looked back at me his expression was a mix of hurt and anger I had hurt him badly.

Hi guys, sorry I haven't been active I've been busy but hope you liked this- Emma

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25 ⏰

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