High school Sy school

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Anya walks to her first class through Eden's elegant hallways, looking for Damian. She finally spots him, turning the corner far ahead. "Sy-on boy!" She says running up to him. He doesn't respond, that's when Anya notices he is reading a book on the way to class. She pokes him and he looks over to see who it is. "Hey." He says simply before turning back to his book. Anya pokes him again. "Whatttt????" He complains. "Anya wants to talk to you" She says, fluffing up her hair.

Damian blushes slightly at the idea Anya wanted to talk to him. Why right now though? He doesn't have time, it's the first day of Grade 10! He cannot be late, even for Anya. Damian sighs but after a bit of considering closes his book. He waits for Anya to say something. He has decided only to do this because nobody else is around at the moment. 

Anya fiddles with her hands nervously, "Um, so you remember that cake you never gave me...?" Damian mouth mentally drops, "WHAT KIND A DUMB QUESTION IS THAT?!" Damian yells over her. "I ALREADY GAVE YOU CAKE UGGO!!!" Suddenly Becky bursts out from the corner of the hallway "Anya! That's not what you were supposed to say!" Anya's face turns a little red. "Yeah but flirting is weird..."  Damian's mind takes about thirty seconds to register each word Anya had said. Does this mean.... NO! I AM A DESMOND I CANNOT BE URGHHHH. "UGGO! STUPID STUPID UGGO!" Damian bursts out before speeding away terribly embarrassed.

Becky stomps her foot. "Don't listen to him Anya." Becky looks over at her friend. "I have another plan!" She hoorays, meanwhile Anya was thinking about Damian. 'What had I done wrong? Why is he so mad at me?'

Damian manages to arrive to class on time, with Anya and Becky not far behind. Classes start, Damian cannot pay attention so he decides to stare at Anya for the time being. She has gotten so much prettier scince Grade 9. Anya and Becky were two seats away from him. Next to him was Emile, staring at some blonde girl not too far off.

The end of class comes quicker than expected, Damian begins to walk out of the classroom when he feels a light tap on his shoulder. It was Anya, Damian looks down at her. She was so cute from this angle, he wished he could stare into her eyes for eternity. Anya looks back into his eyes, then shoves a letter into his arms and runs off with a blush flushed face. Damian stumbles back from the sudden contact, gripping onto the letter Anya had given him. Damian looks around to make sure nobody was watching him before slipping into his bag.

Anya keeps running until Sy-on boy is completely out of sight. She blushes and smiles, cupping her hands to her face. With all of Damian's love thoughts constantly surrounding her she had developed her own crush on Sy-on boy. Becky catches up to her, "Sooo, I guess you used my suggestion then?" Becky narrows her eyes. Anya gets a little embarrassed "Um what are you going to eat for lunch?" She unsuccessfully distracts Becky, "Awww, that's so cuuuteee" Becky teases. "AH! Beckyyyy Stopppp...." Anya says covering her face.

When Damian gets to his dorm, the first thing he does is read the letter. The envelope is plain white with a simple pink star sticker closing it. He takes the sticker off to get to the letter. The letter is a lined piece of paper with some doodles on the back. It looked as though she had ripped it out from one of her notebooks. He sits down on his bed to read it.

Damian stares at the piece of paper after reading it.... What? .........  


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