The letter confusion

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The letter: 

Hello, Sy-on Boy!

HI um yes EVERYTHING thank you for being my friend and i love you no dont write that becky, that comes later okay yes i know write EXACTLY what i say thats what i said yes im sure okay Damian you are really nice well he is not always but write it anyway becky um yeah i cant write it my writings too messy yes i know later yes yes okay say that i wanna be more than friends becuase he is hm why idk whats a good idea becky? I no i tell him that later. yeah okay so just fine okay say that i wanna be more than friends becuase he is hm why idk whats a good idea becky? I no i tell him that later. yeah okay so just fine okay say that i wanna be more than freinds because he stares at me in class? He has done that a lot latley? Yes i know mabye not a good idea, woah why are you writing so much. okay um anyway fine looks like a lot so this could yeh be the end okay tell him it because i love him. Achully idk it too soon yeah it is just say i wanna hang out more not becsuse i love himor the more than friends thing yeah oh sure i mean papa not home and mama is u can come becky yeah a sleepover or i can go to your house yeah okay ill ask mama okie im goning to find a sticker to seal this up no not a heart its not a love letter anymore yeah okay 7:30 my house got it kay. no my house is at 128 Park Avenue, West Berlint how do you not remember? I have known you really long okay give me back the letter thank you.

What Damian thinks it might say:

Hello Sy-on boy! Hi thank you for being my friend and I love you Becky if you don't write that. I'm sure you are really nice sometimes but I can't write it because my writing will be too messy. I want to be more than friends because idk, actually nevermind. I wanted to be more than friends because lately you have been staring at me a lot in class. Yes that is not a good idea, woah you write a lot of stuff down Damian and you look fine at the the end of class. Tell your Papa I love him when he is not home and your Mama too. You and Becky are coming for a sleepover at my house or I can go to your house but I'll have to ask my Mama. I am going to use a sticker to seal this letter up and not a heart because this is not a love letter anymore. Yeah okay 7:30 my house got it kay? No I live 128 Park Avenue, West Berlint how do not remember you're my best friend? I have known you for a really long time and give me back the letter thank you. 

What Anya meant the letter to say:

Hello Sy-on boy! Hi, thank you for being my friend. I want to hang out with you more. -Anya 

What happened:

Becky: Okay start when your ready and I'll write it down.

Anya: Hello Sy-on boy! Hi um-

Becky: Do you want me to write everything you say down or-


Becky: Okay 

Anya: Thank you for being my friend  

Becky: And I love you 

Anya: No don't write that Becky! That comes later!

Becky: Um you sure you want me to write EVEERYTHING you say I mean everything...?

Anya: okay yes I know write EXACTLY what I say.

Becky: Exactly? 

Anya: Yes that's what I said.

Becky: You and not me? 

Anya: ????? Yes I'm sure?

Becky: Say you want to be more than friends! Than you will get him!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2024 ⏰

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