{Minchan} Head Over Heels

344 17 91

Ship: minchan
Words: 2.28k
Genre: Smut~

2 riches, in secret. No love, just lust.

I had been inspired by a fanart and I thought I could finish up a request with my ideas so a minchan oneshot~

For @bunnyminchan

Js wanted to say i hate writing in 3rd person cus it bothers me so a majority of oneshots are gonna be in 1st person

Head over heels
- Gun Boi Kaz-
2:00 ────── 3:59

◃◃ ⅠⅠ ▹▹


The black haired male smirked as he walked around the grand hall. A clean white fur fabric hanging from his arms. A person who lives off others, a life of a party. Never dirtying his hands and having others keep his plate clean.

That's Lee Minho.

A handsome young man who was spoiled with money raining down on him.

Minho's father loved Minho dearly, so every year on son's birthday he'd throw his one and only son a grand party. Inviting all riches, even those he dislikes, to showcase his attractive son.

And Minho, being the spoiled brat he is, anything he saw prized would be brought to him in no less than a day.

And today was the day his son turned 21. . .


"Happy Birthday Young Lee." I heard the elderly man wish me. I didn't really care much about stuff like this. I was more into the gifts. I nodded at his loveful wish and had the gift in my hands in a second. Sparkles in my eyes when I found what was inside. "I'm sure you'd love gold–"

"Mhm,," I said, handing it to a servant that walked by. "Take it to my room." I ordered and the slender boy shivered at my order.

"Yes, Mr.Lee." He bowed before leaving.

I was finally able to roam free without people following me like a mosquito.

I looked through the crowd to find a man, his beauty struck me like an arrow. A black shirt with colorful patterns and a black pants. His clothes looked free and party rather than formal. His smile made it seem like he didn't give a fuck about anything.

Why had I just seen him now?

When I blinked he was gone. I looked around in a hurry, my eyes missed the heaven like vision that was before me. I couldn't find him. A surge of worry ran through me, I needed him.

Oh my god, I'm dying to meet you.

Goosebumps raised whenever I see you.

He was like a precious diamond, on a pedestal. Something I craved, and when I wanted something.

I'd always get it.

I continued to walk around until I heard my father's hideous voice.

"Minho," He called me. I stiffed up and smiled.

"Yes father," I said, walking ever so slowly.

"Meet Mr.Bahng," My fathers hand was pointed to the same man I was searching for. His aura was astounding, and I wanted him to ruin me.

A weird crave that felt so foreign to me.

I despised sexual actions, but the man who stood in front of me could do anything to me and I would still be craving for more.

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