{Hyunsung} Part of that world

93 3 27

Ship : Hyunsung

Words : 793

Plot: Is that. . . a merman?

@primrozuzu FOR MY MAMA <33


Sunday, the clouds were slowly moving across the sky. The sunlight blinded a little before the light glared upon the beach once again. I walked through the sandy grounds, my toes curling at the touch of the water. Small waves slowly rippled away.

There were huge boulders by the seashore and some small rocks around.

"Aish," I squealed lightly. I stepped on a sharp seashell. Thankfully it's not bleeding, just a tiny poke. "I should be more careful," I said, looking at the ground carefully.

In the distance, I saw a crab, moving from its side holding a piece of washed up kelp.

Up where they walk, up where they run

Up where they stay all day in the sun

Wanderin' free, wish I could be

Part of the world

That voice. Where was it coming from? I was the same voice from my dreams. Every night, a blurry figure would sing. But I never knew the face, the voice was a still lasting memory. I've been having the same dreams for over a year.

Curious, I attempted to follow the mysterious voice hoping I'd come across the owner.

What would I give if I could live out of these waters?

What would I pay to spend a day warm on the sand?

Bet'cha on land they understand

Bet they don't reprimand their daughters

Bright young women, sick of swimmin'

Ready to stand

The words they sang seemed to make them questionable.

There's no way a fish can sing right? A singing fish. . . what bullshit it that.

I continued to follow the voices I heard. Stumbling across a batch of rocks to smaller boulders. The voice was more clear, louder now that I seem to be getting closer.

It seemed like a male was singing, a gentle masculine voice that brought some kind of euphoria in my stomach. I felt some sense of familiarity with his voice.

When's it my turn?

Wouldn't I love, love to explore that shore up above?

Out of the sea

Wish I could be

Part of that world

It can't be a singing fish, there's no flipping way.

A huge boulder was in front of me, I carefully walked around it. My legs shook and felt like they could break any second but I kept walking praying out don't trip and splat rocks and die. Once I got to the other side, I ended up stepping in small shallow waters.

"What," my voice was barely over a whisper. The being in front of me, silty soft looking black hair waved with the wind. His torso was completely revealed and his lower part was hidden by the rocks around.

"What?" The mysterious being turned around. "A human?" He spoke, his eyes slowly widening.

"W-what are you?" Disbelief was the exact word that fit into this situation.

"Is that really a question? I mean look at me and take a wild guess." Sarcasm spits off his tongue like a 6th charm.

"You're a mermaid. . . ?"

"Merman," He corrected. "And you're still as dumb as ever." He sighed looking away.

"What?" I asked confused. Why was he talking as if he knew who I was? "Do I know you?"

He didn't answer, instead he turned around, his eyes glistening with water. He looks beautiful his silky black hair draped over his head and pretty brown eyes.

"A-are you okay?" I asked getting worried. Once again, no answer. He started to lightly sob in sadness.

"I wish I could be like you, be a human."

"Why human? Being like you, we can swim in the ocean for eternity."

"I need to leave, forget you ever saw me." He said not looking at me.

"Wait what?" I said holding his wrist to keep him from leaving.

"Let me go," His voice was in sorrow-anger.

"I do know you. . . don't I?" My eyes softened in sympathy.

"Kiss me."

"Are you sure?"


We kissed.

Kiss. A kiss, my first ever kiss.

"Don't lie to me, you know who I am," My voice sounded like a weak plead, a plead that needed it's answers.

"Jisung-ahhh," He turned around, his arms quickly engulfing me in a hug. Light sobs echoed from him with small words. "I missed you, so, so much."

A few years ago, I woke up in a hospital, my mother crying by the bed pleading to let me live, let me remember. I couldn't. I don't remember anyone, not even my love. Did I find them? I hope I did.

"Are you them? The one I'm supposed to find... . ?"

He nodded. His body was cold, but I felt warm. His embrace made the fire in me live.

"You found me, my love." 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09 ⏰

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