Chapter Two

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Crickets chirp from my window. Now is my chance to leave.

I creep out of bed, trying not to wake the other children in the room. I tread lightly against the cool stone floors. I grab my green cloak from the hook on the wall. I look out the window, watching the moon shine through the open space.

I sneak through the opening, managing to reach the other side. I sprint as fast as I can towards the forest. I stumble a few times, but reach the border of the forest.

I was told stories of this forest. A dark and unsafe land where predators swarmed. I stood there for a moment. Is it really worth it to die by the hands of ruthless wolves? Well, I suppose it's better than being beaten day after day... I walk slowly into the forest, the crickets don't stop their hum.

The rush of a river flows nearby. Wolves howl and owls hoot. I shiver, terrified and cold. Could I really survive out here?

I curled into the crevice of a tree, hoping Tetisos was on my side. I drift off into an uneasy sleep.


I awoke early the next morning, groggy and tired. My stomach hissed for food and my throat dry. What could I find?

Meat never really filled me, and I was always so sad for the animal. I prefer natural fruits and vegetables. Milk and eggs are just fine for me though.

I dragged myself around the forest, looking for berry bushes, fruit trees, or what little vegetables I might find. A bush of raspberries caught my attention. I eyed them a moment, making sure they were edible.

I picked as many as I could, stuffing them in the hood of my cloak. I snacked on them as I walked through the dark forest.

Crows cawed from above. Maybe it was a blessing from Tetisos? I continued to walk, slowly and carefully.

What kinds of animals are even out here? Wolves? Coyotes? Cougars? I could not defend myself from them even if I tried.

I continued to walk, trying to be silent. My ears twitched. Is that something following me? I looked behind me. Nothing. I turn back around and walk a little faster than before.

I hope I find somewhere safe... I don't want to be eaten.

I heard a rustle behind me. I spun around, my ears up in the air. I stayed alert, unsure of my surroundings. A deep growl emanated from the trees. Something is following me. Whatever it was, I had to get as far away from it as possible.

It jumped out from its hiding spot, darting at me. I ran, kicking up dirt behind me, hoping it would stop the creature from following me. I weaved between the trees, my nimble hooves guiding me through the stretch of forest.

I slid to a halt. A wall? Seriously? I try to find a way around it, but to no avail. Twigs snapped in the direction of the beast. I whimpered in fear, about to cry.

The creature came out from the shadows. It was a cougar.

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