#8 - Seven, Plus or Minus Two

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After one night's stay in a local Pittsburgh motel, "Kuroiwa" heads to the seller's provided address with the pickup truck. Ready to deliver something high quality that needs to get to a wealthy buyer.

Officially, Kuroiwa left it in Charon's hands the night prior to arrange the job. A necessary step to go through the bureaucracy of having this delivery be an official job. The job is as follows:

"Client: ???
Destination: Omaha, Nebraska

A delivery job from Pittsburgh to Omaha. Package unknown. Seller unknown. Buyer unknown.

Calling for a mercenary willing to make a long drive. Product is too sensitive to be trusted with normal mail carriers.

Pay: $45k + car related expenses."

"Phone's equipped with a GPS to Omaha," Charon explains. "On paper, the Underworld's higher ups trust me to privately give this to mercenaries in Pennsylvania, so they won't need to know that 'Kuroiwa' did it yet until long after you completed it."

"Good," Kuroiwa responds. "Is there anything else I should be aware of? Anything you can see that I cannot?"

"It's just a drive there. You can handle a drive, can't you?" Charon asks, almost condescendingly. "It's crossing states, so toll will be an issue, But the toll booths should only capture the car itself, with photographic technology to the license plate and car model. Whatever address this car belongs to will be the one to front the bill, something that either I, or the bar man, will handle... as long as you're not insane enough to deliberately drive through every toll gate in this country."

"I believe I'm not," Kuroiwa comments.

"Funny," Charon responds. "It should just be a straightforward shot. Text me if an emergency arises, and call back when you're stopping for gas or staying at a motel on the way. Finally, have a nice trip. You got all that?"

"Yes, but... one more thing. The seller will be seeing my face if I drive there by my lonesome, Charon," Kuroiwa explains. "Will I need any precautions to prevent this?"

Charon goes silent for a moment, before answering. "Just a hat and your sunglasses will do. I would suggest a face mask, but... maybe concealing your entire face is too suspicious. Plus, you already told the trucker you're the representative, could be a potential high-market client if you play your cards right... so just tell the seller you're getting the truck to the mercenary. Something along those lines."

"Very well. This will be simple, then," Kuroiwa confidently tells the informant.

The address takes her to a suburban neighborhood of Pittsburgh, a street that was a few minutes outside of the city border. Curiously, she ends up in front front of a residential home. A two story suburban house with no cars on the curbs or the driveways, as compared to the rest of the street.

If not for the piece of paper that the pickup truck had, properly laminated with instructions on what to do upon arrival, Kuroiwa would have assumed no one was home.

In the pickup truck, Kuroiwa needed to memorize a few pages' worth of instructions. The packet was laminated and protected and all, having been stowed away in the car on the seller's request.

Chouko- ... Kuroiwa, had no trouble memorizing it whatsoever, making great use of that ever so relevant talent of hers... but it was still an excessive amount.

The instructions ask for her to do the following actions:

First, Kuroiwa has to parallel park out front, specifically in front of the house in question. In the possibility that there are unexpected cars there - which, there aren't, but she memorized this chance regardless - she is to flick her emergency lights on and align the car with the one closest to the mailbox, driver window lined up with driver window.

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