#11 - Traffic Stop, Highway Robbery

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After hours... upon hours... of driving, the sun sets and Kuroiwa makes it to the halfway point of the drive. Relatively exhausted, with a grim look on her face. Any further driving is a pure risk to her safety and the safety of everyone around her.

The girl's entertained and energized herself solely on the thought of that news anchor, as her surroundings become a blur and she distracts herself with his suffering. All that suffering and fear he might be experiencing after that phone call, spooked by some ominously unidentified creature and all.

But it was such a miniscule victory, those of which the feeling always fades with time. That brief, fleeting rush goes away in the face of unyielding monotony, of blatant boredom and disinterest.

"..." Sigh.

Kuroiwa's plan for tonight is to stop somewhere, to pull off of the highway and contact Charon.

Right away, she knows that leaving the truck as is at a roadside motel is unacceptable. Anyone staying there could simply take things out of the truck. The alternative, taking the boxes out of the car and into the room is needlessly tedious. She would need to take every single box out of the car and into the room, leading to an uncomfortable situation altogether.

No, what she expects is to find a sort of parking lot to rest for the night, planning to rest in the seat and leave the pickup truck in her care and watch. So, maybe finding a truck stop will be sufficient. Kuroiwa is handling sensitive cargo, and there's this sort of unity and security amongst the truckers. Maybe she would simply be able to rest in the car for the entire time, wake up to a shower and some breakfast. That ever so endearing American truck stop diner vibe.

Well. Problems to handle later down the line. For now-

Suddenly- police sirens echo and blare out. Kuroiwa seeing the flash of red and blue behind her, as a police car is trying to get her to pull to the side of the highway.

"..." Kuroiwa sighs as she changes lanes accordingly, starting to stop the car. Pressing a speed-dial button to contact Charon, pocketing the phone. A calm look on her face as she takes a deep breath. This is just a routine stop. The police will write a ticket for her license and registration...

In the time that passes, Kuroiwa wonders what the issue might be. If she's violated some traffic law, if there was some issue with the truck itself that requires law enforcement to involve itself. Speed limits, broken tail lights, so on.

An officer approaches the side, looking to Kuroiwa. No remarkable facial features, other than his standard-issue cybernetics. His eyes, a bright artificial cyan.

"... good evening. Is there something wrong, officer?" Kuroiwa asks.

"Step out of the vehicle, ma'am," the officer responds, immediately.

Kuroiwa sighs and puts the pickup truck into park, getting out of the car. The light of passing cars amidst the police lights as she steps out. "Alright. I'm out of the car, officer."

"License and registration, please?" the officer asks.

"Very well." Kuroiwa reaches into her pocket for the former. The license is Underworld-issued identification that obscures her true identity, but is a valid license regardless. The officer will likely scan the card itself for a fake name, one Charon should be issuing.

The latter will be more of a problem, but Kuroiwa-

... hm.

Curiously, as Kuroiwa hands the officer the license, she sees a van drive past the two, slowing down with its brake lights on. Pulling off the side of the road as well, driving right in front of the pickup truck. A curious look on her face as she sees the van appear.

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