Job searching

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Kinda short chapter!

"Y/n? Oh my god.." He stares at me in utter horror and disbelief as the throws his disguise back on.

"I'm sorry, I have to go."

He says getting up from the stool putting a $20 bill down for the drink he ordered and leaves, I sit there in confusion as he walks out. Proceeding to get up myself and order a cab.

Back home

After getting out the cab and paying them, I walk inside at a considerable time and head to my bedroom.

I remove my dress and hop into the shower washing off all the makeup and grime from the bar. After getting out I sit in my bed searching up my ex Arch nemesis Satoru Gojo.

I watch in awe completely mesmerized by his singing whilst shirtless and sweaty, I soon come to my senses and hit myself on the head looking up from my phone as I lean back into my pillows.

Pulling the blanket over myself I turn off my phone and close my eyes.

I should go job searching.

Next morning

I reach for my phone only to realize I forgot to charge it last night and it's dead. I sigh in annoyance as I put on my slippers and head out to the kitchen.

I pull out a bowl, milk and some cereal before putting it together for my breakfast.

While I'm sitting there I see my mom enter.
"Good morning mom!" I say to her while smiling. "Oh my! Hello baby, I'm so sorry I forgot to greet you when you arrived I had totally passed out!"

She exclaims. "Mom it's fine, there's no shame in being tired."

I take my last spoonful of cereal and put the bowl in the sink and get up to hug her, after I walk back to my room and head into the shower.

After I'm out of the shower I decide to go job hunting since I plan on staying. Back in my old city, I decided to come back to my hometown after ending an abusive relationship.

Job hunting is quite easy for me, luckily because the second job I look at feels like the one. It's a makeup artist for singers before going up onto stage for a concert. I've always had a skill in makeup so I decide to click on the button to apply and close my laptop.

I realize I completely forgot to text bsf/n after last night so I pull my phone out of the charger and tap on her contact.

                           Heyy, hope you got home             safe last night, and btw
I had a really nice time!! (• ◡•)

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