Chapter One

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아무 기댈 곳도 없던 내게 매일 두려움뿐이었던 네게

"I used to have nowhere to lean on

You used to live each day in fear"

It's been six months since I started working at JYP Entertainment, and every day feels like I'm getting a little more used to this new life. The hallways are always bustling with activity—trainees practicing their dance moves, staff members rushing to meetings, the constant hum of creativity in the air. I've found a strange comfort in the routine, though there's a lingering feeling in the back of my mind that I can't quite shake, like there's something I'm supposed to remember but can't. I catch a glimpse of myself in one of the mirrored walls as I pass by, my reflection staring back with those same vivid violet eyes that always draw so much attention. I don't know why people seem so captivated by them; they're just... my eyes. But sometimes, when I look at myself too long, I feel like I'm staring at a stranger. My eyes are just one part of me that is strange the hideous scars I carry that I have no clue where they came from. My past memories feel foggy. Most days I question my sanity

Turning a corner, I hear laughter from a group of trainees gathered near the dance studio. I smile a little, my mood lifting at the sound. It's one of the things I love about being here—the constant energy and passion that fill the place. It's like I'm surrounded by a sea of dreams, each person striving to make theirs a reality. As I continue walking, I feel a sudden, almost electric jolt run through me. I've accidentally brushed against someone. Looking up, I see him—Jisung. He's standing there, his eyes wide and his expression unreadable. My heart starts to race, not just from the surprise of the collision, but from something else—something I can't quite name.

"Sorry," I mumble, stepping back quickly. "I didn't see you there."

Han Jisung gives me a small smile, but there's something behind it—something deeper. "It's okay," he says softly, his voice carrying a weight that makes my chest tighten. "I didn't see you either."

For a moment, we just stand there, staring at each other. There's something oddly familiar about him, but I can't put my finger on it. My head starts to feel light, and suddenly, my vision blurs. It's like looking through a kaleidoscope, everything shifting and spinning. I blink rapidly, trying to clear the haze.

"Are you alright?" Jisung asks, his voice laced with concern.

I nod, though I'm not sure if I'm convincing either of us. "Yeah... just... a little dizzy. I think I need to sit down for a moment."

He leads me over to a bench nearby, his hand gently touching my arm. Even through my jacket, his touch sends a strange warmth through me. I sit down, trying to steady my breathing, my hands trembling slightly.

"What... what just happened?" I mutter, more to myself than to him. I glance up at Jisung, searching his face for answers. "Do you ever get that feeling where something feels... familiar, but you can't remember why?"

His eyes meet mine, and I see something flicker there—hope, maybe? He nods slowly. "Sometimes. Like a memory just out of reach."

I nod too, feeling a little comforted by his words. "I don't know why, but... being around you, I feel like I've... I've known you before." I laugh nervously, realizing how ridiculous that sounds. "Sorry, that probably sounds strange."

"It doesn't sound strange at all," he says gently. "Maybe it's just one of those things... like fate."

Fate. The word echoes in my mind, stirring up something deep inside me. It feels heavy, loaded with meaning that I can't quite grasp. Before I can dwell on it any longer, a voice calls out from down the hall.

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