This is...Penny

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"I'm glad the meeting is over it was booooorrrrrrinnnnngggg!" America complained.
"Alfred, of you payed attention maybe it would be more interesting." England said.
"Well personally I agree with America since you were the one speaking to the meeting."   France said.
"Why you what are you even doing here you bloody git! " England said angrily.
"Dudes dudes! Stop...of course he agrees with me I'm right!" America said.
The other countries were about to argue until they had reached America's house.
"Here we are! Home sweet home!" America said.
America opened the door. Just as he did, a girl ran out of the house and knocked him down.
"Ow!" The girl and America said at the same time.
America looked at the girl.
"Penny?!" He said.
"Oh hi da...dude." Penny said. she paused when she saw the other countries.
She looked about 25, so not really a girl more of a woman,  with blonde hair (the same color as America's), and blue eyes. (Also the same color as America's).  She wore a blue floral t-shirt and camouflage pants. She wore a necklace that was tucked under her shirt.
"What are you doing here?!" America said to her.
"I- uh nothing! Nothing....umm...ok I need your help!" She said.
"What is it? Can it wait tho?" America said.
"No! No no no. NY may be dead by then!"
"WHAT?!?!?!?" America screamed.
He then looked at the girl sternly.
"Young lady what is going on?!"
The girl kept her head high and look at America straight in the eye.
"NYwasboredandangrysoTexasofferedtocookaBBQbutNYsaidhedidntcareaboutstupidBBQsandnowhesrunningawayfromtex!" She said quickly. England and France, who were very confused, had no idea what she just said. America on the other hand...
"Why would he do that?!" He said.
"IKR! It's just BBQ."
"No I mean why would he make fun of it?!" America said.
The girl put her head down.
"Of course you would say that."
"Well are they near here?" America said.
Suddenly the countries heard yelling In The distance.
"Yep that's them." The girl said.
"Ok let's go-" America started than he remembered England and France.
"Oh uh guys stay here I gotta handle something..." He said.
"No. Whatever in the odd world this is, we're helping." England said.
"*sigh* as long as I don't get my cape dirty." France said.
"Fine! I'll go alone. You dudes go with dudette over here." America said.
"WHAT?!" England and the girl said at the same time.
America ignored them.
"This is Iggy. Iggy, this is...Penny." He said.
"Don't call me Iggy and in not going with her. Something is off about her." England said.
"And I refuse to go with him! Please Al I beg you! You of all people should know!" Penny said.
"Well too bad now cmon!" America said.
England and Penny glared at each other. 
"Yes she does seem familiar." England said to Flying Mint Bunny.
Great he's talking to the magical creatures. Wish Massachusetts were here to tell me what was going on. Penny thought.
They ran into the forest and split up with America.
Penny ran ahead of the the Europeans.
"This way I'm sure of it." Penny said.
"How do you know?" England asked suspiciously.
"Because of the tracks. They match exactly with Austin's and Ryan's." She said.
"Who?" Both countries said.
"My brothers." She replied. Another cry reached out towards the trio.
Penny ran through, ignoring the countries.
"Hey hold on a momen-" England tried to say but the girl was far ahead of them.
"The girl is fast, no?" France said.
England Crossed his arms.
"This girl, I know her from somewhere."
"We, she seems familiar. But shouldn't we be helping her instead of standing here.?" Franc smirked.
"Shut it." England stomped off in the same direction that penny ran in, France following him.
Found this sitting in my unpublished stories thing so I did a little editing and here it is! If you read the description let me tell you this, I think the island thing will be separate from this book idk. Please vote and comment.
Question: Which state is Penny? (Oh yeah she's a probably figured that out, if not ...spoiler)

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