Austin and Ryan and Emma(Oh My)

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England and France rushed after the girl through the woods. Soon they found her, looking up in to a tree angrily.
"It's gonna be fine alright?"
"No no no no it's isn't! He going to kill me! Do you know what I said. Ugh my insurance doesn't cover the damage he did-"
The countries gasped as they notice the boy clinging to the tree. He had dark brown hair and blue eyes, similar to Penny's. He currently wore a tattered dress shirt and pants, he was also missing a shoe.
"Look, if he comes around Ryan, I'll deal with him." Penny crossed her arms.
The boy, Ryan, nodded and slowly inched his way own the tree. With a loud yell, springing from a nearby bush, came another boy. Her was tall, tan, and muscular. He wore blue jeans and dark blue flannel with a Cowboys football t shirt. On his head sat a large cow boy hat.
"Yeah you come down here , Ryan! I'll get some payback!"
Ryan yelped and fell down the rest of the tree. Penny was taken aback, eyes widened.
"Now now, Austin. There's no need for violence." Penny tried to calm the tall one down.
"That's a laugh, coming from you PA." He smirked
Penny glared daggers at Austin. She looked like she was about to say something, when she froze and turned towards the Europeans.
"Well you came here to help right?"
France and England looked at each other.
"I don't see how-"
"Who are they?" Austin Interrupted England, distracted from his revenge. Ryan took the opportunity to slowly back away from everyone.
"This is Iggy-"
"Don't call me that."
-and Francis. They're Al's friends." Penny emphasized the last part. Ryan froze and stared at the two countries, Austin did the same."
"Al's friends huh." Austin spoke. Glancing from penny to the Europeans.
France and England looked at each other awkwardly. Everything was silent until...
"YEEEHAW!" Another person came, spinning her lasso in the air. Soon the rope was wrapped around  Austin.  "WHOO I  got 'em!" She said. This girl looks about the same age as Austin, younger than penny and Ryan. Here dirty blonde hair was in a messy braid on her shoulder and she wore a red flannel, black shirt, blue jeans, riding boots, and a tan cowgirl hat. 
"Emma! What do ya think you're doing?!" Austin cried. "Well," Emma gave Austin a lopsided grin and turned to face him. "I heard ya was huntn' down Ry Ry over here and I thought I'd help out." She turned and tipped her hat towards Ryan. "Emma, ya should be on my side. Do ya know what he said? Do ya?!"
Emma froze. "No, actually I didn't. You see, I was in T town on my way to the City right? Suddenly I get this call from Mass, darling thang that sister, and she told me that big ole Tex here wanted to kill Ryan. I thought, huh ya know he does have some anger issues, i should help Ryan before he dies. So I got the location from Mass andWHAM! Here we are. " 
"Ugh don't ramble on!"
"Austin, let her speak." And don't tell her that Ryan said BBQ was stupid, a civil war wouldn't be fun.
"Alright alright just one thing, who are all of you, where is Amer...Alfred ?" England shut everyone up.
"Oh howdy there! Sorry I've been rude. call me Emma. Oh and did I not mention that Al caught me further back?"
"Caught you?" France asked. Just then. America came through the woods.
"You, young lady, are fast!" He exclaimed, breathing heavily. One he felt better, he looked around and took in his surroundings.
"Uhhhhh....hey dudes."
Yeah it's a little short I know. hiiiiiii! Shout out to @EmilyChristie5 for commenting, it really means a lot to me. Uh so yeah this is my story and I'm working on it slowly but surly. I'll try to update at least once a weak. Ummmm.,.. Oh ok if your don't know Lemme tell you something. If you can't tell Ryan, Ry penny, Austin, and Emma are states. Penny: Pennsylvania Ryan: New York Austin: Texas Emma:Oklahoma so yeah, I have almost every state planned out. (Waiting for when i can introduce Hawaii cause she's gonna be an adorable cinnamon roll yeet) anyways I take suggestions and stuff and uh I hope you enjoy!!! Thanks(hm I wanna call you readers something but what?) later humans!

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