Lyra's In Trouble!

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After one hectic weekend, Amanda decided to clear her head by heading over to Chamberg. Even Paul came along for the ride. While they were just walking along the castle grounds, they find Lucas, who's doing some tulip farming with his parents.

"Hey, Lucas!" Said Amanda. "Oh! Hi, Amanda. And you too Paul." Said Lucas. "I do hope we're not disturbing you." Said Paul. "Nah, I'm almost finished for the day." Lucas said. "Ah. Anyway, the tulips you gave us a few months ago kinda died out. Think you could drop some new ones off before you call it a day?" Amanda asked. "Don't mind if I do." Said Lucas.

While the three continue to chat, the sound of a panicking voice calls for the swan princess and her husband. "Aunt Amanda!! Uncle Paul!!!" Yelled the voice. It was Alise. She accidentally knocks Paul over after bumping into him, but they get right back up.

"Thank goodness I found you both!" Cried Alise. "What's the matter, Alise?" Paul asked. "There was this... this... I don't even know how to describe it, but all I can say is it won't stop chasing me!" Alise said. "Wait, you think somebody's following you?" Asked Paul.

Alise nods then points in the direction she came from, but there isn't anybody in sight. "I don't know, Alise. Maybe it's just your imagination, I think you should just forget all about it." Said Amanda. Alise shrugs her shoulders, but she takes her aunt and uncle to where she last saw whoever was following her. Lucas tags along.

A little girl was minding her own business, but she doesn't hear Amanda and her group coming up behind her. "Hello?" Paul said. The little girl screams, startling Alise and Lucas as they let out screams as well.

"Are you okay, little one?" Lucas asked the girl. "Whoo, scared me a little there, my but... woo, yes I'm fine, just fine. Name's Chepi, by the way." Said the girl. "Well, Chepi, we're sorry we scared you, but why were you following Alise?" Amanda asked. "Alise? Who's Alise?" Chepi asked. "I'm Alise." Said Alise as she raised her hand.

"Oh! No, no, no, I wasn't following Alise, I was following you. If you're King Paul and Queen Amanda. Are you King Paul and Queen Amanda?" Asked Chepi. "Yes, but..." Said Paul, but he gets cut off. "You are, I see. I thought you were, I said to myself, I said, so that's King Paul and Queen Amanda. But then with so many people, I couldn't be sure and how silly would I feel if I walked up to some stranger and I said, Your Majesties, Lyra is in trouble. And then, they won't even know who Lyra is, nevermind that she's the princess of Dreamvale. So, I just followed you and I figured I'd..." Chepi stops.

"Wait! Lyra's in trouble?!" Asked Amanda in shock. "How did you know? Oopsie. I didn't mean to break it to you that way. I wanted to ease into it and not just blurt out that the Blackwell Twins and their boss, Kieran, kidnapped Lyra and tied her up and do who knows what to her if she doesn't give them what they want, which could be anything. I mean who would just say something like that without... oopsie." Said Chepi. "Lyra's been captured by Kieran and the Blackwell Twins? But that's impossible! Are you sure?" Paul asked. "Yeah, we never met those people." Amanda said.

Chepi nods. "I saw it happened at the Magical Hollow. I wanted to stop them but I couldn't. Lyra sent me to find you two, she says that you are the only ones who could help." She said. "Uh-oh." Said Alise. "Us? What can we do against Kieran and the Blackwell Twins?" Asked Paul. "A lot. You've already defeated Drusilla and King Abigor." Chepi said. "With help! Maybe we should find someone else more suitable for the job." Said Amanda.

"There's no time! You have to come to the Magical Hollow and help Lyra, she needs you! Will you do it?" Asked Chepi with her hands folded together. "We will!" Paul said. "Sounds like an adventure!" Alise said. "Alise said she's in." Amanda said. "I did?" Asked Alise in a confused tone.

"I'm in too! I'm coming with you." Said Lucas. "No, it could be dangerous. We don't want to get you in trouble with your parents." Said Paul. "But I can't just wait here. I wanna help." Lucas said. "You can! If we're not back by dusk tomorrow, promise you'll go to King Derek and Queen Odette for help." Said Amanda. "I promise. You two be careful, okay? Same with you, Alise." Said Lucas.

The three nod, then turn to Chepi. "Lead the way." Amanda said. "I can do better than that." Chepi said. She throws magic on herself, Amanda, Paul, and Alise, taking them to Dreamvale. "Good luck!" Lucas said.

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