Step 1: improve your Salah

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* remember Allah swt between your prayers.

* remember death just before and during.

* remember you are having a conversation with your Lord.

* pay attention to your posture and movements during the prayer.

* pray as if it's your last prayer.

* stand for salah with fear and love for Allah swt and hope in His mercy.

* you are closest to Allah swt when you're in Sujood.

* remember that salah is a gift and is a means for bringing ease to your soul and benefit for you in this dunya and the akhirah.

* imagine time has stopped and apart from your Lord, nothing else matters.

* do as much dhikr as you can after every prayer.

* focus during wudhu.

* after salah, say this: astaghfirullah 3x, allahumma antas-salam wa minkas salam. tabarakta ya dhal-jalali wal ikram.


* praying too fast.

* having many distreactions.

* not concentrating on the meaning.

* incorrect sujood.

* looking left, right or up.

* crossing in front of a praying person.

* changing positions before the imam.

* moving excessively.

* delaying your salah.

* not covering awrah.

* reciting Quran inappropriately.

* elbows touching the ground during sujood.

* not having a straight back in ruku.

* not having the nose touching the ground in sujood.


* performing Fajr (in congregation) places a person under Allah's protection. Sahih Muslim 657a

* the Fajr prayer is attended by angels. Qur'an 17:78

* whoever prayes the two cool prayers (Asr & Fajr) will go to Paradise. Sahih al-Bukhari 574 

* 1 squeeze in the grave will make you regret every morning in your life that you didn't wake up for Fajr. pls be strong enough to give 5mins of your sleep time to your Lord who gave you all the uncountable blessings you have.


* if it's stress, change your perspective towards salah. understand that it's a detachment from your problems and social media, and a meditation for your brain.

* Salah wasn't given to us as a burden, but sent down as a gift. we stand in front of Allah swt 5x a day to bring ease to our souls and for benefit in this dunya and the akhirah. once we view salah as a blessing and not just a task or obligation to complete, Wallahi we'll find peace.

* Salah isn't just routine, it's a reminder that Allah swt comes first. it's a reminder of the hereafter and of this temporary life. it's a beautiful connection to Allah swt. it's an escape from the world into peace.

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