chapter 3

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" Thank you sir, but, I didn't need any help. Still thanks for your help. " I said  to the towering, handsome human specimen staring at me with indifferent eyes.

Yet, those same eyes had a  hidden playfulness in those beautiful red orbs and siren eyes.

Sharp jawline, red eye make up around his siren like eyes, pale and smooth looking skin ,tall and lean figure, and long white hair that reached his waist and so ominous and powerful aura around him that made me go week in my knees.

" Says the person who would have been hit by now before I intervene! " The man said amused by the shorter woman Infront of him. Leaning on the table with one hand on his hip.

"... No, if she hit me she would be sure to be thrown out of the cafe the minute she decides to raise her hand. And she would have been wasting her already useless time in court for harassment. "

" But, thank you any way Mr......"

''Raijin..... Takahashi Raijin" he said holding out his hand Infront of him.

'' Nice to meet you Mr.Takahashi. I'm Nakamura kanasaki, owner of this cafe. " I spoke shaking hands with the taller man.

" I'm sorry but I have to attend to my shift now, may I bring something for you?....."

His lips curled up in to a smirk leaning against the table more his eyes wearing a sort of play enchanting my own. His charming smile made my breath cought up in my throat, making me weak in my knees. His hair was perfectly tied into low ponytail.

His black button up shirt, unbotton at the top revealing his chest a bit and the long sleeves rolled up to his forearm, tucked into his black pants complimenting his long legs. dress shoes going par to par with how he is dressed

The confidence in his pose was impecable. It was entirety of confidence and pride was standing right Infront of me, his pride shining from his skin.

Even his hairs glowing like stars.....

His mouth moved to speak, confidence only adding to his husky deep voice.  " Oh it's nothing special, just your phone number...." He said with a cheeky grin. Mischeveistness reading from his gaze that traveled up and down my body checking every crevices of my body.

Hah...... A flirt I see. Fitting for his overall look if you ask me.

" No thank you, anything else? " I said with a closed eyed smile trying to be polite. His gaze irratating me. The obvious blow to his ego. He tried to cover it up by his next words.

"If you are not on the menu, then I don't think nothing pique my interest more than you....... Tell me if you change your mind. " He said with a wink handing me a card, probably his business card and walking off to a table with some guy and girl.

My eyes focused on the attractive man for a moment before I turn in my heels and walk away, not noticing the piercing eyes of the man landing on me only a moment after.

𝕋𝕒𝕜𝕒𝕙𝕒𝕤𝕙𝕚 ℝ𝕒𝕚𝕛𝕚𝕟

" Bro..... You just got rejected in 4k!! And by a pretty chick too!!! How does it feel to get your ass brought down to earth by a woman at that. "

My best friend cackled as I say down. His earthy laugh resonating through out the table.

His hazel eyes side glanced at me his grin mocking me that he finally won a stupid bet.

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