The Mysterious Woman (Ep-08)

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The night had settled over the island like a heavy blanket, casting deep shadows that swallowed the light of the moon. Sali, Nakoto, and Hurrem hurried along the shoreline, driven by Hurrem's visions of the woman in distress. The pale glow of the moonlight shimmered on the waves, while the rustling from the forest combined with the wind's eerie whispers, mimicking the footsteps of the creatures they feared. The air was thick with tension, each breath heavy with the weight of fear and anticipation.

When they reached the beach, they were met with a scene straight from Hurrem's vision. The woman was cornered by the creatures, their twisted bodies looming over her with menacing intent. The creatures moved slowly, deliberately, their long, bony fingers reaching out as their glowing, hungry eyes gleamed in the darkness. The woman, tears streaming down her face, was backing away, her every movement a desperate attempt to escape, yet there was nowhere left to run.

As Sali, Nakoto, and Hurrem watched in horror, Sali's heart pounded in his chest. Nakoto, still shaken from his previous encounters with these creatures, trembled with fear. Hurrem squeezed her father's hand, trying to quell the fear rising within her. They had little time to act; if they didn't intervene, the woman would soon be at the mercy of the creatures.

"We have to save her!" Hurrem whispered, her voice trembling with urgency. Sali and Nakoto exchanged hesitant glances. They needed to find a way to rescue the woman, but they were unsure of how to confront these creatures. After a moment of thought, Sali nodded decisively. "We need to get them into the water," he said. "Maybe they're afraid of it, or at least it might slow them down."

Nakoto and Hurrem agreed to Sali's plan. They quickly devised a strategy: Sali would grab one of the creatures by the leg, while Nakoto targeted another. Hurrem would assist her father in dragging the creature toward the water. Summoning all her courage, Hurrem prepared herself for her part in the plan.

Sali moved cautiously toward one of the creatures. The creature was just about to pounce on the woman when Sali lunged forward, grabbing its leg with all his strength. The creature whipped around to face Sali, letting out a bloodcurdling screech that cut through the night like a knife. Sali held on tightly, pulling the creature toward the ground. Nakoto quickly grabbed another creature, and together they began dragging them toward the water.

Hurrem, overcoming her fear, ran to her father's side. The creature struggled violently, trying to break free, but Hurrem helped her father hold it down. With Nakoto's help, they managed to drag the creature to the edge of the water. The moment the creature felt the cold water, it thrashed even more desperately. With a final, coordinated effort, they hurled the creature into the sea.

As the creature hit the water, a horrific hissing sound echoed across the surface. The creature seemed to weaken immediately, as if dissolving in the water. The water around it turned murky, and within moments, the creature was gone, as if it had never existed. Hurrem watched in stunned silence, holding her breath. The creature had been pulled into the depths, disappearing without a trace.

The other creature, seeing its companion vanish, quickly retreated. A guttural growl of fear and frustration echoed from the darkness as it fled back into the forest, vanishing into the shadows. Nakoto, catching his breath, ran to the woman's side. She had collapsed, unconscious, but she was safe. Hurrem joined them, her eyes still filled with tears.

"If we hadn't thrown it into the water, it would have killed us all," Nakoto said, his voice still shaky. Sali carefully lifted the woman into his arms, whispering, "You're safe now." They began to make their way back into the forest, heading toward the safer area they had established as their home. Yet, even as they moved away from the beach, the fear that the creatures might return lingered in their minds.

Returning to Safety

As they navigated through the dense forest, the oppressive darkness surrounded them, but Sali felt a growing sense of relief as they distanced themselves from the eerie part of the island. Their goal was to bring the woman to the secure haven Sali and Hurrem had built over the years.

The paths through the forest were well-known to them after so much time spent on the island. They pushed through thick branches and underbrush until they finally reached the safe zone where Sali and Hurrem lived. This area, unlike the rest of the island, had an air of protection about it. Surrounding it was a sturdy fence Sali had constructed over the years, high enough to keep out the wild animals and creatures of the forest. The outer surface of the fence was fortified with sharp branches and stones that Hurrem had gathered, making it nearly impossible for anything to breach it easily.

Inside the fence was a small garden that Sali had cultivated over time. In addition to the island's natural plants, there were edible plants and fruit trees that Sali had discovered. Hurrem loved spending time in this garden, picking fruit, tending to the plants, and working alongside her father. In one corner of the garden was a small stone-lined pond. The pond was fed by fresh water from deep within the forest, and Sali used it both for drinking and for washing.

At the center of their safe zone stood a massive tree with a large hollow. The tree towered like a natural fortress. Inside the hollow was the home that Sali had painstakingly shaped and perfected over time. As soon as they entered, a sense of warmth and security enveloped them. Sali had made the interior weatherproof and comfortable. The hollow was spacious, with a ceiling dotted with openings that Sali had crafted from branches and leaves, allowing plenty of light to filter in.

Inside, every detail of a home had been considered. Sali had used materials salvaged from the plane wreckage to build beds, shelves, and simple furniture. The beds were wide and comfortable, made with soft leaves and animal hides that provided warmth and coziness. In one corner of the hollow was a storage area where Sali kept their food supplies. This storage area was built on a stone foundation, keeping the food fresh and protected for long periods.

The hollow also served as a sanctuary where Sali taught Hurrem survival skills and told her stories. Here, Hurrem had learned French from her father and had grown up with the tales he shared. Another corner of the hollow housed simple toys and storybooks that Sali had made for Hurrem. This small refuge was both a home and a school for Hurrem.

Sali gently laid the woman on one of the wide beds in the hollow. Her face was still pale, but she seemed to relax a bit, knowing she was in a safe place. Hurrem approached the woman, her eyes filled with concern and curiosity. Nakoto, ever watchful, checked the woman's condition while keeping an eye on their surroundings. Sali turned to Hurrem and said, "Let's get some water, sweetheart." Hurrem nodded and went to fetch water from the pond.

As Sali and Nakoto stood over the woman, they studied her pale face. Sali, still astonished by the encounter with another person after so many years, wondered who this woman was and how she had ended up on the island. The woman bore the marks left by the creatures; her hands and feet were covered in scratches. But she was alive, and for now, she was safe.

Nakoto broke the silence with a deep breath: "Do these creatures only come out at night?" Sali nodded thoughtfully. "Usually, yes. But tonight... when we found this woman... I've never seen them so aggressive," he said. Nakoto carefully examined the woman's wounds. "We need to figure out what she's doing here and why those creatures were chasing her," he said. As Sali wiped the sweat from the woman's brow, he replied, "Yes, but we'll only know when she wakes up."

Hurrem returned with the water and placed it by the woman's bedside. The woman was still in a deep sleep, but her breathing had become more regular. Sali, reassuring Hurrem with a gentle touch, told her, "Everything will be alright," but deep down, he knew that they would have to face the island's secrets soon.

Throughout the night, Sali, Nakoto, and Hurrem kept watch over the woman. The fence outside the hollow had been secured, and the surrounding traps had been rechecked. The possibility of the creatures returning was ever-present, but for now, in this small sanctuary, they were safe.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22 ⏰

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