Sali's Flight (EP-01)

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08:32 - 8 minutes until the plane departs.

The terminal had transformed into a sea of people. Large advertising billboards hanging from the ceilings, brightly glowing digital clocks, and overcrowded security checkpoints were all there to maintain some order in the chaos. People were rushing around in every direction; the loud cries of children added an emotional weight even to the cold, mechanical atmosphere of the airport. There were those trying to find their flights, dragging their luggage, or arguing angrily with security personnel. Amidst all this, a young man sat hunched on a bench, nervously bouncing his leg. The pallor on his face clearly showed he was in the grip of a fear of flying. His eyes constantly darted to the clock, and occasionally, with trembling hands, he would bring his fingers to his mouth, nervously biting his nails. A loud announcement cut through the noise of the terminal, instantly heightening the tension in the air: "Passengers boarding the flight to Colombia are urgently requested to prepare their tickets and proceed to the gate."

The young man jumped up suddenly in response to the announcement. Grabbing his small, worn suitcase, he quickly made his way towards the glowing security checkpoint under the fluorescent lights of the terminal. The young man's name was Sali. Although his tall, slender frame and slightly broad shoulders gave an initial impression of confidence, the anxiety in his eyes betrayed the complex emotions behind this appearance. His assignment in Colombia was a reward for his courage and determination. Despite having graduated with high hopes with a degree in civil engineering, life had met him with a harsh reality, mercilessly punishing his inexperience. Eventually, he began working as a technician at TECHNOW, but he had been selected to be part of massive projects in Colombia: the construction of two airports and a shopping mall. Sali was to be responsible for the safety and site analysis of these projects—if he could make it onto the plane.

"Next!" The firm, stern voice of the security officer echoed through the terminal's din. Sali was too excited to hear it. One of the passengers in line behind him impatiently tapped him on the shoulder: "It's your turn, move on!"

Sali snapped back to reality and walked over to the security checkpoint. The dark-colored uniform of the security officer, the name tag on his chest, the radio on his belt, and the weary expression on his face all caught Sali's attention. "Where's your flight to?" the officer asked, glancing over Sali.

"Colombia," Sali replied, still showing traces of his distraction on his face.

The officer frowned slightly and asked, "Sir, this plane is already going to Colombia. Which city?" trying to hide his impatience. Realizing his mistake, Sali quickly corrected himself: "I'm going to Bogotá, sorry," he said, his voice trembling slightly.

After checking his passport and ticket, the officer signaled him to proceed. Sali took a deep breath and quickened his pace.

His seat number was 24. As he looked for his seat, he quickly scanned the faces of the passengers around him; some were tired, others tense. But one stood out from the rest. Her eyes were as deep and dark as olives, filled with meaning. Her hair, a fiery red that shone even under the pale lights of the plane, fell in waves over her shoulders. The dark green blouse she wore accentuated her delicate shoulders and elegant posture. The sunlight streaming through the plane's window seemed to touch only her; Sali's eyes were almost blinded by this brilliance. He must have stared at her for too long, as the woman turned to him with an uncomfortable expression: "Is there a problem, sir?" she asked, her voice carrying a slight edge.

Trying to hide his embarrassment, Sali quickly replied, "No, I thought I recognized you from somewhere. My apologies, have a good flight," and hurried on to his seat. Her face lingered in his mind, but he had to pull himself together. He finally found his seat and took a deep breath as he sat down. The plane's engines were softly humming; Sali closed his eyes and waited for the journey to begin.

The plane took off at 09:00. Sali turned to the book he had brought to keep his mind occupied: Zeytindağı. This historical work was his greatest passion; the book, which recounts the final years of the Ottoman Empire, taught him something new every time he read it. However, his eyes kept drifting toward the direction of the woman sitting nearby. The man next to her was sitting very close, leaning in and speaking to her in a low voice. When Sali noticed this closeness, he quickly averted his gaze and tried to focus on his book. But his thoughts kept returning to the mysterious woman beside him.

After a while, feeling uneasy, he got up to go to the restroom. As he walked down the narrow aisles, he felt the plane gently swaying; it seemed as though the aircraft was not yet fully stable. When he turned around, he saw the woman also heading towards the front restroom. Instinctively, he changed direction and headed for the restroom on the other side of the plane.

No sooner had he closed the door than the plane suddenly hit severe turbulence. He felt trapped within the walls of the restroom. The captain's voice echoed through the loudspeakers: "We are currently experiencing turbulence; the plane may shake violently. Please remain seated and keep your seatbelts fastened."

This warning sent a shiver down Sali's spine. He tried to stand up to leave, but the plane jolted again; he lost his balance and sat back down. The plane began to descend rapidly as if it were falling into a void. Clutching the walls of the restroom tightly, he could feel the plane losing altitude rapidly. A sharp pain began to build in his head, and his vision started to blur. His breathing became labored, and his whole body felt weightless.

The captain's voice echoed in Sali's mind: "The plane is rapidly losing altitude. Please fasten your seatbelts. We are going to have to land at the nearest available location."

As the pressure change caused a ringing in his ears, Sali's mind slowly began to sink into darkness. The pilot's last words echoed in his thoughts as he lost consciousness completely.

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