Chapter 17

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Ministry employees zipped through the crowded courtyard, clutching papers, glancing at watches, staring up at the sky as the Aurors became increasingly frustrated the longer it took to dispel the Dark Mark. But Severus didn't notice any of them. His attention was arrested by the red-haired girl standing beside the fountain.

Her green eyes lit on him, widening slightly, shimmering with tears, and then she was running toward him. Sirius was standing next to him, and Severus wanted to reach out, to feel his warmth, but he kept his hands clenched at his sides.

Mr and Mrs Evans were only a few steps behind their daughter. "Severus! Oh thank God, we thought you were dead!" Mrs Evans gasped as she reached out to grasp his shoulder.

Lily didn't say anything. She stood awkwardly in front of him; her face pale, her eyes rimmed red, silent, fearful. She kept glancing between him and Sirius.

Sirius awkwardly waved at her. "Hey, Lily. Uh, did you finish that essay for McGonagall?"

Severus elbowed him. "Sirius," he hissed, watching as Lily's pale face turned red.


Severus turned to see Potter waving at Sirius. He was standing near the entrance beside an elderly witch and wizard – his grandparents, perhaps? – and another wizard who bore a striking resemblance to Lord and Lady Black.

Potter cautiously approached the group, his gaze lingering for a few seconds on Severus, before quickly moving on to Sirius and Lily. "Hi, Lily," he said quietly.

"Hi," Lily answered back.

Potter focused his attention on Sirius. "How are you holding up?"

Sirius shrugged his shoulders. "It's... I'm dealing with it."

Regulus trailed behind them, his shoulders hunched, his arms crossed. He looked deeply unhappy. Severus wondered if Regulus loved his mother. He could hardly remember Lady Black saying more than two words to Regulus. She gave him no fond endearment, no "Son-of-Mine's" or "My Dear Ward's."

At least he isn't crying, Severus thought. Severus didn't think he would be able to handle it if Regulus cared enough about his mother to cry over her death. The box that contained his memories of last night were full to bursting. He didn't know how long he would be able to keep the feelings at bay. If Regulus cried the box would surely open and all the fear and horror and self-loathing would tumble out–

"Is Kreacher here with you?" Regulus asked Potter.

"The house-elf?" The wizard who Severus guessed to be Uncle Alphard asked. "He belongs to Orion, but if you want I can ask him to lend the elf to me."

"We should get going," the elderly witch said. "There are... arrangements that must be made."

Now? They were leaving now? His body was thrumming with energy as he turned his head to look at Sirius, half-worried to find him already gone in a puff of smoke, only to meet a pair of wide, grey eyes staring back at him. Merlin, he really was stupidly handsome, wasn't he? They stared at each other while the adults around them talked over their heads. After everything they had been through together, how would he cope not knowing he was safe? Severus tried to remember that he hated Sirius, that this boy had sent him into the jaws of a werewolf as a joke, but all he could see was the look of righteous fury on his face as he swung his bat, at the tear-stained defiance in his eyes from the welts his mother had left on his face.

"Come along now, Severus," Mr Evans said.

Severus fell into step beside Lily. He wouldn't look back. He wouldn't give her or Potter or Sirius the satisfaction. He was stronger than that. He didn't need anyone. Their deal was over. It was over.

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