Chapter 3: The Fallout

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Back at home, Tabbee stared at her screen, her chat box with Theo still open. The day's events replayed in her mind, and she couldn't shake the feeling of disappointment.

A notification pinged—Theo had sent a message.

"Hey, about today... I'm sorry if things were weird. I don't know why, but it felt different from how I imagined it."

Tabbee's heart sank. She wanted to blame him for not living up to her expectations, but deep down, she knew she'd done the same to him. "Yeah, it was different. Maybe we just work better online?"

"Maybe," Theo replied. "I still think you're awesome, though. Even if today didn't go as planned."

"Same here," Tabbee typed back, hesitating before hitting send. "Maybe we should stick to being online friends?"

Theo's response took a little longer. "Yeah... maybe that's for the best."

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