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I didn't get enough sleep for the rest of the night. Three hours, maybe, and even that felt shallow—like I hadn't really rested at all. When I woke up, it was four in the morning, but my body felt like it was already two. I lay there in the dark, staring at the bloodied sunflower on the nightstand. The crimson smears on the petals seemed almost symbolic, a silent accusation for what I'd allowed to happen.

Derek Hayes could be dead for all I knew. Maybe he wasn't. But if he was, I was the one who'd practically caused it. The moment I used my powers to fight back, it set everything in motion. If he was dead, then I had blood on my hands just as much as anyone else. My stomach churned at the thought, and I couldn't shake the sick feeling that had settled in my gut.

What would Vought do to me if they found out? More importantly, what would he do to me—Homelander? I pictured myself in his office, standing in front of his desk as his blue eyes bore into me with that chilling mix of curiosity and disdain. His smile—the one he used when he knew he had complete control—flashed in my mind, and I shivered.

He'd made it clear more than once that there were consequences for stepping out of line. I wasn't sure if this qualified as stepping out of line, but the fear gnawed at me regardless. What would he do if he found out I'd been involved in this mess? The thought of being alone in his office again, of his hands on me like last time, made my skin crawl.

I turned my face into the pillow, squeezing my eyes shut. Breathe, Carrie. Breathe.

But I couldn't get Black Noir's words out of my head. It only gets worse. His warning echoed in the stillness of the room, a dark omen that I couldn't ignore. How long had he been working for Vought? How many times had he seen things spiral out of control, watched as lives were destroyed under the weight of their lies and manipulations?

Was this just another step in the descent? Was I already too far gone to climb out?

I sat up, rubbing my face as I tried to shake off the lingering exhaustion. My mind was buzzing, restless with questions that had no easy answers. I pulled the sunflower closer, staring at the message it carried. He keeps his word. He'd done this for me—for what? Protection? Revenge? I wasn't sure what it meant, but the gesture felt both sweet and suffocating at the same time.

I couldn't keep depending on someone else to clean up my mess. But what choice did I have? Derek Hayes had been a predator, a monster, and I wasn't sorry for stopping him. I was just sorry it had come to this. I didn't want anyone else getting hurt because of me, because of Vought, because of the twisted world I was trapped in.

With a deep sigh, I got out of bed and headed for the bathroom, hoping the cold water might jolt me into some semblance of clarity. My reflection in the mirror stared back at me, eyes bloodshot, face pale. I barely recognized myself anymore. Who was I becoming? A puppet? A pawn? Or something worse—a willing participant in all of this?

After a quick shower, I dressed in the usual Supernova outfit, pulling on the facade I wore so well. Then, my phone buzzed and I picked it up, switching it on.

MADELYN: Meeting at 9 AM. Be ready.

Short. Cold. Just like her. The kind of message that sent a spike of anxiety straight into my gut. There was no mention of why, but I had a feeling it wasn't good. It never was with her. I checked the time—barely 6 AM. That gave me three hours to prepare, but no amount of time could truly make me feel ready for whatever Madelyn had in store.

What if she already knew? What if Vought had eyes everywhere, and they were just waiting for me to slip up?

I put the phone down and exhaled slowly, trying to calm myself. There was no sense in spiraling. Not yet. I had to keep it together, play the part. If I showed weakness, that's when they'd pounce. I needed to be sharp. Controlled. Everything Homelander expected me to be.

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