Heromine's groaning

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"Heromine stop it alright if we go you need to stop just appearing ramdonly  out of nowhere and stop complaning about Ron not listening in class alright,is it a deal then"Said Harry stopping Ron from hurting her but it didn't really help since Heromine was making it worst by complanning about some wizard author doing a signing tomorrow at the book shop at quarture to 4 pm but it was Harry's birthday and he knew how his friends would react and last year she made a big fuss over forgetting his persent at the shop and went crazy."Fine but when we are there you get to pick out a present and we will pay for it,anyway tomorrow is you birthday and we don't want what happened last year to happen again now do we.Oh and you can let go off Ron"Ron looked down at the ground completely forgetting about Harry's birthday,soon Harry let go of Ron's shoulder and left them in the living room to go up stairs to his and Ron's room was.Ron gave Heromine a horrible look they both know Harry hates his birthday more than you know who since he never propley had a family of his own but Heromine and Ron cared for Harry"Harry come back I sorry for mentioning your birthday but still I want to get you a present so tomorrow no matter what you say I am still getting you a present because you are our friend and I will not stop alright!"Ron soon shushed past her and ran up to make sure Harry was okay and when he made it the door was closed"Hay Harry can I come in,blimley mate come on let me in fine I'am coming in anyway."Ron said before pushing the door wide and found Harry sitting on the bed hands in his hand with tears running down his face bit by bit.

Ron walked over to Harry and put his hand on his back and just at that moment Harry looked up at Ron and found him self looking up at Ron eyes full of tears then out of nowhere Heromine pulled them together and they all hugged.


"Time for dinner guys"Molly calls up to everyone down stairs but the Ron and Heromine were still trying to cheer up Harry but he said nothing so they brought his food up to him.He didn't really eat till Ron had left the room.He hardley got any sleep but got at lease what he needed.






Sorry for making this kind of short but next part it will longer but on the 21 of July 2015 I will away to BlackPool so there might not be any up dates but I will only be there for three days but next part coming soon

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