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Harry's P.O.V 

I woke to the sounds of whispers and as they died down I opened my eyes to a bright light. I saw 3 kids that I have never seen before, the man from before was talking to what seem Mrs Weasley,Ron and Heromine but what seemed to get my attention was a tall woman with light ginger hair that went down to her middle back and she had green eyes all most elermald but the only person I knew had those eyes were...

"ah Harry your awake thought you wouldn't wake up for a while but you seem fine.So you ready to see the game?"Ron asked out of the blue alerting everyone I was awake.I sat up and looked at everyone.The lady had tears forming in her eyes like she had seen the one she cared for most just came back to life."Harry is that really you?"

I had no idea you she was but really she looked like my Mum but that's not possible is it."Lily I think its time I explain to you what happened and why you think you lost Harry that night."


Lily stood there holding a spoon with was looked like sick trying to feed a baby Harry."hey come on you have to try and eat.I mean come on it isn't that hard."She said pushing the food in Harry's mouth and with out warning he spits it back out onto his Mum's face right as James walks in he stared to roll on the floor at his wife's face."What are you laughing about James you would be in the same way if it happened to you so shut your gob." As James calmed down a creaking sound came from  the garden.The 2 looked at each other sending a silent message.As Lily grabbed Harry James pulls out his wand and aims it at the door where a pale slim hand pushed open the door to show Voldemort. James stared to throw spells the Dark lord blocking all of them.As they got to the top landing the Dark Lord shot a spell that seemed a little bit different from the killing curse and with that James fell in to a death like state.

When he reached the room he found Lily standing over her baby but before she could stop him she was shot down with the same spell as James.But as Voldemort tried to get close to Harry he was stopped by a bright light and soon faded to nothing.


"So there you have it.The spell put you in a death like place till an day after the killer died.The order found out but tried to not spill it out to anyone."And with that they all left the tent except the Potters"Wow" was all Raven could say and her siblings had the face."So well I'am Raven,My twin there is Alice and my brother there is Shaun.It's nice to meet you my brother."

Raven stuck out her hand and Harry grabbed it and said with a smile planted on his face.....

"Yah same here, same here."

-The End of this book is here

sorry but I hope you enjoyed this book because I never knew it would go this far

I'am letting you write a sequel if you want but thank you and 


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