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Taehyung grabbed his coat and ran out of the office, ignoring all the judging looks he got from his co-workers. He decided to grab a taxi, there was no way he could drive with his level of stress. The last thing he needed was to get into a car accident. 

After giving out the address that Jimin had sent, Taehyung called Namjoon. "Namjoon are you still in the building?"

"Uh, yes, but-"

"Great! listen, I apologize for the last-minute notice but I need to you stay in the office until I come back. Something came up and I have to leave but don't worry, I don't plan to take long..."

Namjoon had never heard the younger speak so quickly. "Is everything alright?"

"Everything is fine" Taehyung ran a hand through his hair, trying to mask his nerves. Everything was not fine, not when it involved Jimin. "I know you have to start writing the new contract but if you could stay and make sure the baskets get sent I'd appreciate it. Oh- and if you can reschedule all the meetings that I can't attend right now, that'd be great-"

"We're here," The taxi driver said, stopping in front of a house Taehyung didn't recognize. 

"Namjoon, I have to go but I'll call you soon."

He hung up the call before paying for the cab. The neighbourhood was a reflection of the high-class society that occupied it. Typical of the Upper East side of town. The house itself looked as if it had been directly taken from a magazine: modern and yet classy with wooden details, large windows, and good lighting. Very much Jimin's taste.

Fixing his coat, Taehyung walked towards the entrance of the house. He knocked on the door. His fists were shaky but not with fear. It was more like a rush of adrenaline that made him shiver. He was on edge, ready to run... or fight.

In less than a minute, the door was opened. Jimin stood there with a satisfied smile on his face. "You came," 

"You threatened me,"

"Fair," Jimin smiled, making way for the CEO to enter. "I've always had a thing for plotting, I can't help it. Please come in,"

Taehyung took careful steps, examining his surroundings, looking for security cameras or anything out of place. He felt like he had walked right into the wolf's mouth. 

"You like the house? I moved a while ago but I'm still deciding on the right colour for the accent walls. Maybe you can help me out, You've always been better when it comes to interior design."


Jimin shrugged it off. He was expecting Taehyung to have an attitude. After all, they were still on bad terms. "You want something to drink? I bought coke just for you."

Taehyung glared at the raven. He couldn't tell if this was all some kind of twisted joke or some plan. 

"What do you want?" He asked, standing in the middle of the large living room.  He tried to keep his voice distant and controlled.

"This is not about what I want, Tae. This is about what I can do for you... Your family is going through a rough patch and I want to help."

"I don't need your help."

 "Maybe you don't... but what about Seokjin? You said so yourself during our call. You were forced to abandon him. I bet your hyung must be growing resentful with every passing second,"

"How is that any of your business? Last time I checked you were a selfish bastard."

Jimin rolled his eyes. "Very classy of you to insult me in my own house."

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