11.Phase 1-Josh

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Hellur hellur peps!!! I know I havent wrote in a long time but im trying!

I just wanted to say AGAIN....THANKKKK YOU FOR READING AND COMMENTING AND LIKEING! Ok im so happy ima take yall all out to a club and we are gonna party and drinks on me!!!!!!

Lol jk :)

But........to celebrate im going to follow EVERYONE who comments in ANY of my chapters.

So anybody can comment anytime and ill fan u!

But please dont make the comments lame and be like 'hey follow me'

Please leave a comment on any suggestions you have on the book and ill read everyone of them and see if I can fit them in

*and ill take suggestions after this chapter*

So ill shut up now so u can get to the book.


"Ill go out with you!"I blurted.

He blinked twice, surprised that I was so forward to him.

"Really?"He smiled.

I nodded.This was the first part of my plan.

I wanted to make Zach jealous.He's probly hurt so many girls, im going to get revenge.WHEW GIRL POWER! Ok....that was really wierd and I hope I never say that again.

The sad feeling suddenly faded away and now a gut wrenching anger feeling burst in me.

So....im going to fake date Josh and make Zach jealous by having the 'GREATEST' time of my life with him...not Zach.After I make Zach jealous im going to break up with Josh....because we are just friends and it would be wierd to, actually date him.

"No it wouldnt"A voice said in my head

"SHUT UP!"I said back to it.

Josh is a great guy but I dont know...I kinda just broke up with someone because he cheated on me.Even though he kinda makes me feel, smiley and bubbley and....OK SHUT UP AGAIN I DONT LIKE HIM!!!!

"Well, cool.So I could call you GIRLFRIEND now.because im your BOYFRIEND"He tried to sound cool in a funny way.He leaned on his elbow and posed like he was acting cool.His elbow slipped and he almost fell over me.I giggled.He looked up clumsly from the ground to look at me.

"That was smooth"I joked.

He chuckled.

"Im not used to this...having a girlfriend and all"He sighed.

"Its not hard.Just act like we are still friends."I tried to give him a hint.I didnt want him to get too close.I just wanted him to be a friend...that im dating...a dating friend.

He smiled.

"Whoa wait...did you come here alone?"He asked.

Oh yeahhhhh.I totally forgot that I kinda just "ran away".

"Um ya.And I really have no idea how to get back."I said.

"I can take you"Josh said pointing to his bike.

"Do you know where I live?"I asked.

"Yeah.Remeber your 8th birthday party that you invited me to? Well I still remember how to get there.....and now I realize what I just said makes me sound like a stalker"Josh smiled.

I laughed.

"so are we gonna go?"

He nodded.

He sat on his bike and waited.I didnt know what to do.I think he was wanting me to sit behind him and put my arms around him like in movies.But ive never been that close to him.We stood there.I finally decided to attempt to get on.My feet walked me to the seat.I could barley fit, but I managed.I slowly put my hands around him.

Out of the corner of Josh's mouth he grined.Then he started pedaling.Josh was surprisingly strong and could push with both of us on.People stared at us when we passed on the sand.They eiether looked at us like"Aw cute...young love" or "Ew...thats disgusting" or"Fuck...I want a boyfriend."

I atually felt kind of cool.The wind was blowing my hair back and the sun was shining on us.I shifted my hands so that I wasnt touching his tough stomach(dont jude me of how I explained that.....it was tough) and was holding of to my own hands.

We tried going up a ramp....

The cool feeling went away.

When we were halfway up we feel back and went backwards.The cool feeling suddenly turned into embarresment.My cheeks flushed red...then I saw Josh laughing.And suddenly I got a tingly feeling.But it wasnt embaressment, it was...a good, funny, laughy feeling.I started laughing with him.

We laughed and got up pulling the bike up the ramp instead of riding up it.We got back on and continued.

I thought about what just happened.He made me feel comfortable...again.

I smiled for no reason.I felt ANOTHER feeling...what the freck was up with all these feelings!?!?It felt happy and lovey.

And then I did something really stupid.I grabed him closer and huged him, laying my head on his shoulder.Now it really felt like I was in a movie.I quickly let go of him and almost fell back.


I blinked.

Focus...focus megan.

I Held on to the bottom of the seat instead of holding on to him.The rest of the ride was quiet.I looked at him head while the wind blew little peices of hair.I bit my lip.That was hot.

Then I slapped myself out of nowhere.


Josh looked back at me...probably wondering why I slapped myself.

"um...there was a bug..."I said.

He smiled and turned to my street.

He slowed down the bike by using his foot.My house was right next to us...Now im going to have to deal with my family yelling at me.

I got off and he did too.I was hoping he would stay there though.He walked me to my doorstep.

Oh no...I know exactly what hes thinking.

Hes going to kiss me and send me off to my house...I remeber seeing Aprils old boyfriend doing that to her before she walked in.I awkardly shuffled and so did he.

"I got to go..."I said.

He frowned.Not expecting I would make him leave so soon.I opened the door and smiled to him and closed it again.I sighed glad that I can focus on not likeing him right now.I turned around.

My moms burning red face glared.

I sighed again.This was going to be a long day.

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