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Boring, everyday, and insignificant; we tend to take for granted what is easily accessible: the sky obscured by headlights, the clear water we drink from sources that others cannot find, and the flowers that grow us. We do not accept affection without cost, so we impose a price that no one who knows us today can afford. We are more appreciative of those who offer us less. We doubt those who heal us and depend on those who allow us to remain stagnant.

We perceive freedom as the ability to play with fire. We confuse fear with love and, nevertheless, prefer to overthink rather than to witness, to assume rather than understand, and to flee rather than inquire.

What do we gain? We lose. We lose genuine friends. We lose peace. We waste time, eagerly searching for what we already possess, or for much more than we need: scraps instead of a feast, oil instead of water, headlights instead of stars. We obscure the sun with a finger.

What have we gained? Outings to the cinema, because we cannot confront reality, and imagined pressures within educational institutions. We did not create artificial intelligence; we acquired it.

For us, what is real has become insignificant, the everyday, and the boring. We take for granted the gifts we have always had access to, which no one could afford, simply because they are free. Everything that is real is irreplaceable. You, friend or family member, like every star in the sky, every flower in the forest, every drop of water, every cell in every living body, and every stone in your home, exists due to the eternal resource of love.

I refuse to grow weary of seeing a day no one else has ever lived, 

simply out of a belief that I am not worth it.

 APRIL 27, 2024 (Translation)




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