They don't know about us ( Harry styles Fan Fiction )

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"Hey" Theresa run to me while i was standing in the

hallway an was about to take off my jacket

"Hey princess"

"You tierd?" she asked whit a questioning and playfull lokk on here face

"yea a bit, why?"

"Time fore dance party!!". Every time i got home from a hard day on work she always ask that question i anwered the same and she took on some music and made a competition that we dance til we can't more and are so tierd that we almost fall down

When she dance she was always smiiling and laughing like she always did cause she was the moust funniest smartest and moust amazing person i ever meet, but the bad thing i couldnt tell anyone about here becaue i really love here and if people find out about here they will probably just hate here without even know here. Cause it have always been like this that, when i get a girlfiend they are a slut ore somthing like that and am a mane whore ore a womanizer and am sick of it. But i feel bad fore ceep here a secret cause she deserve so much more, and she is amazing person and i just want to tell everyone about here but truly noboody know about here even the other boys don't know about here and it hurt me to only think about it. And we have already been dating fore 3 months.

"Haha i won again!" she said and begin to jump around the room while i was sitting exhaustion on the couch and couldnt stop smiling of here i just couldnt stop.

"Fine yo won can i goin the shower now ore are you going to find another way to torture me?"

"Hmm... I don't know let me thing bout it?" she said and started to laugh

I laugh a bit and went to the bathroom, took off my clothes, went into the shower and let the comfortable water run down my body.I took some shampoo in my hand and washed my hair, and my body.When I was finished, I took the towel dried my body and put on couple of boxers and walked out of the bathroom and in to my room. I just took on a pair of sweatpants, and a simple t-shirt, and went down to Theresa who sat on the couch and smiled a big smile at me when she saw me.

"Hey sweetie" i said and sat down with her on the couch and held her in my arms, stroked her hair and kissed her lightly on here forehead

"I love you Harry"

"I love you too princess"


That night we we actually fell asleep on the couch but i wodn't mined.

The nexst day i woke up 07:50 and totaly freakt out when i saw it cause i was going to have a meeting with the management 08:00. i run up and i still had my clothes on so i just fixed my hair a bit took in the mirro

'"You late to work?" I heard Theresa said behind me

"Yea, am sorry but i need to go"

"it's fine i just going to stay home like normaly"

"Hoo, baby am so sorry i should't leave you like this"

"It's fine it's fine don't worry i be okay"

"You sure?"

"Yea go now you late."

I hurry out the door and jump in my car and driwe how fast i could. and when i got there i run in and to the meeting room where all the other boys and the management already sat

"Harry where the hell have you been?" Louis said

"Hmm am sorry i just oversleep"

"Did you showered yesterday too? "Zayn ask

"Yea why?"

"You has showered every day for over a month now." Louis said

"Eee yea that... am just a bit tierd after hard day on work so i really like to shower when i get home"

"You just tierd so you shower?" one of the manegement said

"Yea tierd..."

"Okey... but when you finaly are here can you please sit down."


And like everyday i got home the first thing i saw was Theresa's beautiful smile and she come running to me kissed me and all the normal things happend and we have a dance party she won, i got sweating and then jump in the shower. I never get sick of that





Me and Zayn was about to go to Harry's house and see how he was doing,but when we was outside his house we look inside the window and saw a girl with long brown cruly hair,blue eyes and she was smiling and we could clearly see she had dimples that fit perfectly in the small but really beautiful face. And a bit strange thing was that she was dancing like really random dancing that actually look really cute.

"Who is that?" Zayn said

"I don't know"

"You don't think that Harry has a ...." Zayn said

"If he had a girlfiend he would tell me"

"what if it is a.. you know not a girlfiend but only ..."

"No Harry's not like that,he woudn't do that again", i interrupted I Zayn

"Lou you know he woud if he wan't to."

"Yea but i still don't think that"

"She's cute"

"Yea she is.."

"We shoud go home and then we can just talk to Harry about this tomorrow on work" Zayn syggested

"Yea lets go." I continued lokk at the girl in the window, while we talked until Zayn pulled me with him dawn the road.

Hey i hope you like my Fan fiction and if you like it please commed and i make a new part  please commed and like. Next part will be much longer I promise you;) And better I read it and it sucks, so I promise you next will be better.

They don't know about us ( Harry styles Fan Fiction )Where stories live. Discover now