Part 2

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Hey you beautifull , i know noboody commet ore vote fore me, but am going to make another part and see if people will reed it so here is another part hope you like it :)


I was just lying on the couch and watched the most beautiful person I had ever met, just lying there with her arms around my waist. If only time could stop so I could have this moment for always. I kissed her on her forehead, and took her hands slowly away from my waist, and walked slowly out of bed. The time was 7:00 a.m. so I had an hour for me to get ready for work. I stood up and went into the bathroom, I only stood in my boxer and stared into the mirror: Sometimes I wonder if am really worth her? mabye people have right ... maby I'm a womenizer and I'm just going to break her heart, although she deserves so much more but I can not give it to her. No, she is not like all the other women I've been with, she is different. she's the girl I want to live my life with, I love her and I could not have done anything to hurt her and I will not let anyone hurt her either, so no one can know about her. Then I just mess everything up and I really don't want to. Not this time. But I have to tell people once, just not now.

I was suddenly interrupted by a loud bang coming from the bedroom, I jumped first but figured it was Theresa who had fallen out of bed and I started laugh a little. When she slept alone she used to have the bed against the wall and then she lay always completely up the wall, but now the bed was lying outward and not across, and if i dont lay with her and was like a wall that she could lie against., then she rolled all the time out of bed after a try in her sleep to find the wall but instead she found the floor. I went into the bedroom where Theresa sat on the floor below the bed.

"Do not laugh"

"Hahaha .... sorry but it's too funny"

"When you step out of bed could you be kind enough to wake me up so I does not fall out"

"Hmm ... but I think it's funny when you Fallls out". I said as I helped her up from the floor

"Should not you be at work?"

"Yes but it does not start until 8:00 a.m."

"Well the time is now 7:50 a.m. and you're still in your boxer and the hair looks like a giant big mess." she said pointed on my hair

I did not answer her I just ran to the bathroom and put on a pair of skinny jeans and a simple t-shirt, i took some cold water in the face and wiped it away quickly and started to style a bit on my hair to it as at least look

a bit better. When I came out of the bathroom Theresa just sat in bed laughing?


"Hmm .... You were fast."

"Yeah I have a bad time I have to go on work!"

"Relax, you have plenty of time v is only five minutes away and the clock is only 7:30 a.m."

"WHAT? you said it was 7:50 a.m. idea how much I stressed "

"Well your fault that you laughed of me". she said as she as she began to laugh at me

-" I hate you"

"Noppa you love me"

-"There was a time but not anymore"

-"Hahaha just admit you love me!"

- "Your wish"

- "And my wish come true,so just say that you love me"

-"You know you should not bully me with this I'm actually the one who working here to give you food"

-Well do you look at it in that way I can go out with honor to work

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