A Betrayal Like No Other (Malec? JonathonXAlec?)😢

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Disclaimers: Semi Angst And probably misspelled words

Alec has had enough with everyone else's shit. His family went behind went behind his back and ended up stealing the cup with the help of someone he thought liked him, Magnus. How could they. Alec was beyond betrayed. He was just hurt and in shock. His own parabatai and brother, his sister, a girl he just met, and a guy he began to fall for and he had thought felt the same way. Oh well, Alec was used to this sort of thing happening to him.

So Alec set off on his own plan with no thought about what they'd think. They betrayed him so why couldn't he make then feel the same type of hurt they did to him. And how exactly is he gonna do that? Well a week ago he had gotten a notice that the Clave wanted to make a deal with Valentine himself to put the war aside because to many people were dying. Alec had yet to mention this to anyone because he was skeptical about this. That being said he knew what he'd have to do if they were to go though with this deal. Alec himself due to being the Head of the New York Institute would have to agree to marry Valentine's son Jonathan. Alec had been trying to convince not only the Clave against this action but trying to control his families and Clary's actions so this wouldn't happen but with the stunt the pulled he had no choice.

That lead him to agreeing to the marriage and secretly getting married so that the announcement of the alliance would be prolonged. So when Jace called Alec saying that they planned to attack Valentine he rushed over immediately.

Jace and the others were getting to battle Valentine and his men when Alec ran over and yelled to each side "Stop!"

Jace not understanding why Alec was in the middle and not over on their side getting ready to fight yelled "Alec what are you doing? Get out your bow and fight with us!"

Alec due to the anger that had been built up over many many occasions yelled at Jace as if he were just one of the random Shadowhunters at the institute "No Jace you do not get to tell me what to do. You may be my parabatai and brother but you and everyone else seem to forget your place. I am Head of the Institute as much as I am your brother. Now you all are gonna lower your weapons now. This is not me asking you or telling you as your brother anymore. This is me commanding you as the Head of the Institute you work at as well as a Clave order" 

When Alec said that Izzy and Jace both looked at their brother in shock having not heard him speak like that at all. Clary was in shock but in anger that he was interfering in something that could possibly help get her mother back. And Magnus as much as he was in shock he also could not help but to find what Alec said and did to be hot.

Valentine who couldn't help but to find the situation amusing but also glad that it was Alec his son married finally spoke up "I think what your bother has been trying to say would be that if any of you did attack me it would be against the deal the Clave made with myself."

"What deal?!" Everyone who didn't know all ask yell at the same time.

"The Clave made a deal with me in exchange for peace. And your dear big brother now is married to my son. Oh did I forget to mention Clary that You in fact have a bother and now you also have a brother in law" Valentine said with an evil smirk.

Alec who had enough of the situation looked at his family and friends and said in a stern and cold voice "actions always have consequences. And because of that little stunt you played now not only you all but the entire shadow world and myself now have to deal with those consequences. I hope your happy." Alec said before he walked away leaving behind the people he cared for and had betrayed him to start his new life that he wasn't prepared for. A life with Jonathon Morgenstern. Unsure if that life would be good or bad.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23 ⏰

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