Çhåþ†êr 6: - Unraveling Secrets

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     Khan sat on the edge of his bed, alone. He stared at an old photograph that he snuck of Uzi while she held her hands up trying to block her face. He smiled softly at the sight, regretting what he did. He couldn't hold back the digital tears that were pinned in the corner of his eyes. He tried to tell himself over and over again that he saved countless of lives... but he wish he didn't. Khan only now came to the realization that his daughter's life meant much more to him than anyone else in the colony.

     He recognized that he wasn't the greatest father, and Uzi resented him, but he wished he tried harder. It just hurt too much all of those years to look at someone who reminded him so much of someone he loved dearly. That was surely no excuse though, and he realized that.

     Cyn. That was the name it went by. It scared the ever living daylights out of him when that corrupted program ripped a holographic version of his former wife to shreds. Told him to give up Uzi to the unforgiving world outside or she would make him wish he were dead. He didn't know what possessed such a being to be so cruel, but deep down in his gut, he knew the figure wasn't lying. He tried his best to act cold to her after the encounter so that it hurt less when she went, but... it made him feel worse in the long run.

     Khan delicately set the photograph down as if it was his most prized possession. He gripped his thighs while sucking in a deep breath and looked around the room. He found himself struck with new determination, will, and hope. Today was the last day he hid in fear. He was going to get his daughter back no matter what, he would die doing so if it meant she was safe. He screwed up, but he was more than willing to build a bond with his daughter. Rebuild what he had lost so many years ago.

He just hoped he wasn't too late.


     Uzi and V's little arrangement had been going on for around 5 days now. Uzi was seriously starting to feel homesick, and to make matters worse she was trying to get any compliment she could. Apparently that simple not- compliment V gave her, left her willing to do anything for another. She didn't down right show how desperate she was, that would be super cringe. As so she thought. They had many short conversations over the small period of time, but V never seemed interested in small talk. Uzi who once despised these drones found some... interest in them. It was old news that Uzi loved anything that involved her nose stuck in a blueprint with a wrench in hand, and she wanted to know more about these drones.

     To be fair, she still hated them, she just was curious of their model. It was something new for her, something new in her bland life. Although bland might not be the right word now. Maybe she should've kept her mouth shut, she might've gotten just a little bit more action than she anticipated for. Although, this was all her stupid dad's fault, if he would've heard her out she would still be in the colony, where it was safe- with no rouge AI or bloodthirsty monsters.

     Well no matter that, she had made significant progress on the spaceship, apparently she could fix it. "Glad to see you're doing this quickly."
"Huh? Oh yeah, sure- whatever." V hadn't moved from her spot, and Uzi got use to the feeling of said drone watching her. "So, where do you plan to go? Y'know, with the spaceship and all?"
"Somewhere that isn't here, that's for sure."

     Uzi hummed in response, V's dry responses were getting old, but she could use all the information she could. "What's Cyn wanting with me? Why is she doing this?"
"You should stop prying into these things."

     If V was being honest, she really still had no clue what Cyn was doing with her. She couldn't outright think of any reason, and it bothered her too. She wanted to know, but she was also smarter than that. She knew that asking questions would only end in suspicion and her getting killed. Therefore, she bit her tongue and did her job. Well, somewhat. She was still killing off workers, but she was also going against her policy. She was to stay on the planet until all workers were dead, but now she's starting to question if that's even true. "Do you remember anything from when you were being created? Or before you came hurdling down to Copper-9?"

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