a Prologue and a bit...

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Hi all!
I'm Charlotte, but you, my new lovely readers, can call me Snazz, or whatever you prefer :P

This is my first book ever written so I'm going to write as much as I can in my spare time. I've written this many times on paper, and have changed it many times. Because of this, I hope to bring you the final adaption, and hopefully the most enjoyable. I'm not great at writing, however ('-_-) so I'll try my best to improve!

I hope you enjoy my story, and stay tuned for more :)
The rainy grey of the morning had grudgingly relented to a patchwork of blue peeking between the clouds. Moisture dripped from the dense vegetation, and slashed quietly onto the rough cobblestone below, evaporating in seconds. Humidity was a constant this far inland. The nation had been relocated to this position of relative safety following the hurricane that destroyed the seafront capital some years before. The bus station at the main junction was a sad affair, as were most of the nearby buildings. They surrendered without much protest to the entropy, even before the shabby paint on their walls dried.

A loud rumble disturbed the almost forgotten area, as a large coach pulled up from the surrounding suburbs. Driving up to one of the more appealing buildings. Men and women in charcoal suits flowed out slowly from the stuffy vehicle. Their dark auras- gained from waking up at an unnaturaly early hour- almost seemed to be emmiting from their bodies and engulfed the calm attitude of the area. As the group of bored office workers trudged into work, three men wearing security uniforms stepped out into the humid and makeshift carpark. The men nodded in responce to mumbled "Good mornings" as they walked to their respective cars. Chuckling together, they spoke of the events that were to come.

"You two are lucky. I'll have to stay here for lunch!" one exclaimed, feigning anguish. He leaned against a black Mercedes, only to jump back a second after: the cars were hotter than a fire.

"Goodluck. Last time I was in that position, a woman screeched at me because I was using the printer when she arrived to use it" The second said, refering back to the hours around noon. This was infamously known as 'leave me alone or die' time. During this highly sacred time when workers were finally given a break to eat, if anyone decides to make human contact with another...well, you best call an ambulance. Many don't survive encounters like that. After chatting a few more moments, the guards entered their steaming cars in order to retire for the day. Waving to the remaining man as they took their leave, they headed for the road home. With duties now officially calling, the guard headed back inside, wiping the moisture off his wrinkled forehead.


Minutes turned into hours as visitors passed to and fro between offices and cars, until 5pm rolled along. Concentrating on some new piles of paperwork, the guard, still on duty from lunch, didn't notice a pistol rasing and being aimed at his upper body. The silenced bullet flew from the barrel as it met it's unsuspecting target accurately between the eyes. A quiet thump was heard as the guard slumped in the chair he sat in. Imitating the Wild West, the shooter mimicked blowing the tip of their shining gun, red lips barely making contact with the cool barrel. They returned their gun to its holster, and walked with great purpose to the stairwell.

Pausing at the start of the stairs, the intruder felt a soft buzzing by their ear. Placing a manicured hand to a button close to the movement, they waited in silence, ready for further instructions.

"Are you in?" A crackly voice questioned. A nod, while invisible to the person questioning, was made.

"Yes. What now?" the shooter replied, her voice cutting through the air as if it was a hot knife on butter.

"Hang on there!" The voice interrupted: "Before you go any further, let me remind you to not kill everyone in the building."

"What if I ju-"

"No. That does not mean kill everyone but one person then act innocent and say Well I didn't shoot everyone because you can't put one past me." The voice interrupted once more.

Flicking hair back from their face, they pouted: "Aww. But that's boooring."


"You are really camping my style here Dean."

The man in the earpiece wasn't impressed. "That's a shame isn't it then Chris?"

The woman tuted at the sound of her own name and frowned in displeasure. She began to climb the metallic stairs, trailing her slender fingers across the cold railings on her way up. Ending the conversation for long proved difficult, and soon she was asking her partner for directions:

"Make your way up to the control room on the top floor and search for a small keyboard against the wall. Tell me when you do." Dean instructed, clearly bored by the easy mission. Pressing the button by her ear, the intruder decided she wanted some peace and quiet again. She began to sweep each floor, the black soles of her Vans making only muffled shuffles as she did so. As she arrived at an open door, Chris paused. A quiet crackling noise was being made in the room ahead. A buzzing was once again silenced by her hand.

"What?" she questioned, her voice cold, even to the icy railings she had just been holding.

"Your sensor stopped. Quit stalling and get up there!" Dean complained loudly, causing Chris to shush him quickly.

"You're being too loud. I just head a noise from a room, I'm checking it out." She replied, her voice monotone. A sigh could be heard from Dean. "Okay. Just... Stay safe."



I hope you enjoyed my first chapter! Sorry if it was a little short. I wanted to end it on a cliff hanger and type the rest for the next chapter ;)

Chris: I have a bad feeling...

Me: hmmm, no clue why *laughs evily internally*

Chris: I can hear you -_- I'm in your head you know

Me: But... HOW?! 0.o

Chris: I was made in your imagination?

Me: ... Oh yeah

Anyway big things coming, big things! :) Feel free to leave a comment, I'd love to hear from you all.

until next time!

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