🎨 Puppy Love

206 4 13

Tuesday, 8:35 AM

Professor Summers was droning on and on about something that didn't interest you, something about the difference between refractions and reflections and such. You sighed, slumping into your desk chair. You were levitating a pencil a few inches from your desk by humming a tune as you watched the children play outside when a clawed hand was placed on your shoulder.

"Ach, Y/N, are you alright? You seem to be lost in thought," Kurt whispered, giving you a gentle nudge.

You lost your concentration and dropped the pencil, making it clatter on the floor surprisingly loudly. Unfortunately, professor Summers heard this and turned his attention to you with a disapproving look.

"Boys, care to explain yourselves?" He said, arms crossed.

"Sorry professor, I just-"

"You can explain in detention, both of you this Saturday with professor McCoy for one hour." He said before turning back to the board to write something.

"Then why would you ask us to explain ourselves if-" He cut you off again "Two hours for you, Mr. Cassidy, you know your older brother Sean wasn't this much of a pain to deal with, look at him now, an X-Men, codenamed banshee. I'm sure he'd be disappointed in you."

Professor Summers went back to explaining how light would bounce around in a kaleidoscope and blah blah blah blah. You just pulled your hood over your head and sunk into your seat, staring daggers at Kurt as you thought about all the free time he just cost you.

"Z-zorry, Y/N, I didn't mean to, I was just asking if you vere okay?" He said sheepishly

"I was just bored, but now? I'm pissed. Just shut up before he makes it-"

"Three whole hours, Mr. Cassidy!" You waited for him to turn his back before flipping him off, causing some of your fellow students to hold in a laugh. You turned back to Kurt, who seemed to have taken a page from your book and his face in his red hoodie out of shame.

You focused back on the outside, wistfully looking out the window at the children that used their powers for games. Now you were happy that you get to sit beside Kurt, he was your best friend after all, but sometimes he was just so chatty. Ever since the start of the school year you would both get into detention a lot. Sometimes for being rude, but most of the time for catching the wrong attention.

As you looked outside, you noticed that the front gates were closing and a busted up muscle car pulled up on the drive way. From the busted window you could see Logan, one of the institute's most decorated X-Men, smoking a cigar with a tired look on his face. The car stopped in front of the big double doors of the school and it wasn't until the passenger's door opened that you realized Logan wasn't alone in his ride. A girl stepped out, one you'd never seen before.

You tapped Kurt's shoulder and gestured for him to look out the window, seeing this everyone else close snuck some glances outside.

"Must vee a new student!" Kurt whisper-shouted excitedly.

You ignored Kurt and just kept staring. 'She's kinda cute' you thought. You noticed her torn up black jean jacket that hung over an AC/DC shirt, her vibrant emerald eyes that seems to be scanning everything around her, and her messy black hair flowing in the wind. She was the cute punk aesthetic that was just your type.

Like a creep you kept staring, and probably having the feeling of being watched, her eyes darted up and met yours, a soft frown on her face. The way she suddenly noticed you spooked you, and you couldn't think of anything but wave at her.

"What seems to be so interesting out there, Mr. Cassidy?" Professor one-eye asked, bothering you again.

"Uhh, nothing sir, just thought I saw someone I knew..."

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