chapter 6

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It's been a long few weeks, but I wouldn't ever change them. Nick and I haven't officially declared our relationship status, but I've been sleeping in his room, sleeping with him, amongst doing other things that make me blush red just thinking about. I got him to start teaching me some self defense, because God knows I could use the work outs and I want to protect myself.. in case.. I would ever need it again.

So that's where we were. In a gym, boxing eachother, or rather, I was still trying to knock him on his ass.

"Come on sunshine, you wanna tell me why you're so hell bent on kicking my ass right now?" Nick mused to me as he blocks off a few hits from my gloved hands.

"I just, need this. I new self defense a long time ago, but, I need to relearn, and I figured id do it with the person.. I care about and trust.." I trialed off, spinning around and throwing a round house kick to his middle, to which he unsurprisingly blocked. Again.

Nick looks at my sweat covered frustrated face, and sighs," babe, come on.. what is it?"

I stop and take some deep breaths," in my last relationship, I didn't think I would would be in the position to need to know self defense. And I shouldve.. I felt utterly weak. Like I needed someone to come save me. And in a way, Monroe did. And I want to be able to save myself.."

Nick comes and wraps his arms around me.

"You don't feel like you'd need to save yourself from me, do you?"

"For the first time in my life, I can say I really don't see us in that kind of position. I trust you, and that scares me but.. I like it," I twist my hand into his hair and pull him down for a kiss, to which he gladly reciprocates.

"How about.. we go home, shower, and see what Monroe and Rose are up to?" Nick smiles at me, taking the gloves off my hands and leads me to his car.

"Oh I definitely like that idea," I jump onto his back and hold on tight as he starts running.

Yeah.. I could really get used to this, I thought.

Later, after we had some, very enjoyable shower sex and got dressed, we walk out to see a box on the porch, addressed to me.

Bending down, I open it to see a lily, with a small note,"Watch your back."

I stand up quickly and look around the street, but I don't see anyone.

"Nick, did you see this?" I ask him as he locks the door.

He looks and quickly looks around, not seeing anything put of the ordinary.

"It's probably nothing, but I'll take it back to  the station, see if we can get any prints off of it," he takes it and rushes us to the car.

We pull up to the police station, I sit out in the car while he runs it in quickly.

I was just starting to find some music when a face appeared at the window. Juliette.

I step out and look at her with wonder on my face, "Juliette? What.. what are you doing here?"

"Oh nothing, late night drive, saw you guys pull up, thought I'd stop to chat, but oh, listen, I had one quick question for you!"

"Okay, are you okay?"

"How's Micheal?" She could've slapped me and that would've stunned me less.


"Oh you know, Micheal? Your boyfriend?" Juliette gives me a sly smile.

"Juliette, he's my ex, and for good reason. How do you even know his name?"

"Its actually a funny story, I met him! Here in town! He had some buddies with him that sounded interested in meeting you too," I pale and look around us.

"Oh don't fret, he's not here now silly, but, he did know our Nick, and how he's,  you know, special," she winks at me," well, see you later, Morgan!"

I stare at where she was, pale and shaking till Nick came back.

"Babe what are you doing?" He runs over to my side and see's that something obviously was very wrong," Hey, what happened?"

"Juliette..she came up to me and started talking to me, she mentioned my ex.. and how he's here, and there were other guys with them that wanted to meet me and... fuck, Nick, she said she and they knew you were "special", and.."

"Wait what? How? And who were they with and how'd she know your ex?" He rambles on tucking me into the car before getting in and taking off.

"I.. I dont.. I don't know.. but if he's here.. I cant.. " I stuttered out.

"Hey hey, no, it's okay, breathe. I told you, I won't let him hurt you," Nick grabs my hand and keeps driving to Monroes.

I look out the window, fiddling with his hand the whole way there.

Nick immediately grabs me and we run to the door and barge in, suprising Monroe and Rosalie.

"We need to talk."

I sit on the couch curled up into myself as Nick and Monroe talked to Rosalie about everything I told him and about my ex, and she comes and wraps her arms around me.

"Sweetie you're shaking, want some tea? Warm blanket?" She squeezes me.

"Oh uhm. Tea would be great, I have a blanket in the car, I'll go get it, it's my favorite of Nick's," I go outside quickly and right after I grab the blanket, I feel something behind me, causing me to turn quickly.

I back up into the truck and gasp, "Micheal? "

"Hello beautiful," he looks at me with a sad smile.

It's been so long since I've seen him, he's grown out his dark blonde hair, it's past his ears now, his green eyes almost look haunting with his sharp features.

"What are you doing here.." I try to inch slowly around him.

"Well, I came for you, it wasn't obvious?"

"I'm not coming back with you. You hurt me. I could've died.." I put the blanket back on the seat and go to walk away, but he steps in my way.

"Tsk tsk, yeah, that was a bad night, you pushed me too hard, " I gasp and move again.

"All I did was ask for a night with my friends!" I raised my voice, hoping to cause some attention.

He looked around before grabbing my arms tightly, making me shriek, "let go of me!"

"Now now, you're going to come with me, or we'll blow this little house up with your precious friends and grimm in it," He grabs my hair tightly and pushes me towards a car across the street.

"How do you know about Nick?" I push against him, grabbing his hand that's in my hair.

"I'm wesen, obviously. I can't help the anger issues I got with my genes. Now get in the damn car. I've got some friends I want you to meet," he shoves me harder and I fall into the car.

I quickly grab my phone and text Nick as quick as I could while Micheal walks around the car.

Honey 🍯


That's all I could get out. And I hope he understood.

"Where are you taking me?" I ask quietly.

"You'll find out soon enough," he growls, before throwing a rag into my face that smelled of something like gas and held it there," sleep tight angel."

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