Mission To The Hive.

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April 9th 2026

Operator: this is an important mission you need to find the vespa hive and destroy it only then will the virus stop spreading you 4 have been equipped with UV flashlights and UV flares to use against the infected along with easy to set up UV traps and an AR 15

Rookie: hey i don't think this is a good idea i can already tell we are going to die soon

Team leader: dont worry its just a little jump off the helicopter into the Zone we need to find a building covered in bright glowing purple ash then we should be fine

Rookie: did you even read the briefing on the vespas there's lots outside but the nightflare vespas are still there guarding the hive if they so much as hear us we are dead

Ash: just shut up guys were over the hive

Tim Drake: okay i have ziplines ready

Computer system: 3 2 1 JUMP

Rookie: wow this is actually kinda cool

Ash: clear!

Tim Drake: okay set up the door traps and floodlights me and Ash will look for the center of the hive

Rookie: got it!

Ash over the radio: no sign of anything yet

Team leader over the radio: keep searching!

Team leader: this place sucks

Rookie: hey sir if you don't mind me asking why do you hate this place so much

Team leader: i was only a teen when i lived in this city it was peaceful back then but one day the outbreak started and the vespas appeared they-

Tim Drake over the radio: help! A vespa is after us it's not like any vespa i've seen before it has a crown like skull and tendrils it uses to get around

Team leader: whatever you do KEEP RUNNING

Tim Drake over the radio: okay!

Tim Drake over the radio: Ash go left!

Ash over the radio: okay!


Team leader: we need to save Tim and Ash!

Rookie: got it!

Ash: over the radio: i won't make it just promise me one thing give those infected hell-

Rookie: Ash we can save you

Rookie: Ash?

Rookie: ASH!

Ash's Radio: static

Rookie over radio: sir we lost ash

Team leader over radio: how?

Rookie over radio: i was running to him when he said he wouldn't make it and went radio silent

Team leader over radio: damnit!

Rookie over radio: im sorry sir

Team leader: okay everyone meet up in base camp

Rookie: got it!

Tim Drake: okay!

Rookie and Tim: sir where are you?

Team leader: dont worry about me

Rookie: sir where are the bombs at???

Team leader: Ash told us to give 'em hell right?

Rookie: yeah

Team leader: Well then i'm going to give 'em hell!

Rookie: What about you?

Rookie: its a suicide mission sir!

Team leader: i know but i left you something in a box in the room you're in

Rookie: what?

Team leader: find out

Rookie: Okay sir

Rookie: I found what you left me sir, how did you get Ash's dog tags?

Team leader: i left you something else

Rookie: your medals and dogtags?

Team leader: yes congratulations sergeant Wierbowski

Rookie: wait you mean?

Team leader: yes sir

Rookie: i don't know how to thank you

Team leader: you don't have to just get the hell out of there your mission is complete

Rookie: yes sir!

Rookie: alright Tim come one

Tim Drake: alright sergeant...

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